Multitude Monday

Last night I finally finished up a large order that I had been working on all week long.  I did that in between preparing things for a new shop, getting ready for a farmer's market, practicing with Dan to lead worship yesterday, serving dinner for senior citizens at a senior housing center along with others from our church, doing laundry and a host of other things.

I fell into bed weepy every night due to being overtired and stressed.  And I thought, "Why?"  I make myself nuts sometimes and while I love being busy and active, I also need times of peace and quiet.  I'm going to have to learn how to pace myself better. 

So now I am facing Monday, and the start of our vacation, with a messy house, and the start of a cold.  I also have the desire to restore some order to the chaos.  So I'm wading back into some household chores.  I do have two talks to work on for a retreat in two weeks and in order to do that, I do need some serenity.

We are not going anywhere until Wednesday so I do have two days to bring the house back up to snuff.  Stephen got home around midnight just for the day so I want to enjoy him today too while he is here. 

I am thankful for so many things in my life.  Even though it was a crazy week, there were multiple blessings and I always want to start my week off looking at the good things God gives and does.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #2531 - 2540.

2531.  Repeat business. The large order for the tea company was one and I received two other orders this week from repeat customers, which means they were happy.

2532.  A fun night at the local street market that started this past week.  Vendors were lined up and down the street in town and I had a great time, talking with old and new friends.

2533.  A husband who is also a wonderful father.  He took Nathan, Stephen & Emily hiking in the Adirondacks twice this past week.

2534.  Being able to go with others from our church to serve dinner to some senior citizens in a local housing center.

2535. The beauty of the night sky.

2536.  Dan & I led worship yesterday and I was so stressed about it because I thought it was going to flop since we don't normally do it.  However, when I stopped focusing on my "performance" and started focusing on worshipping the Lord, we did okay.  I am thankful that our regular worship team will be back this week though! ;-)

2537.  Warm weather.  Even though I'm not a fan of hot and humid, I am thankful that it's not snowing!  lol 

2538.  Having some meaningful chats with Emily.

2539.  Dan was able to go get Stephen last night and bring him home for the day.  He is a bit homesick.

and finally...

2540.  An upcoming, peaceful week!


  1. Terri, I hope you find some peaceful moments in your vacation time.


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