Find Some Beauty Today

Dan and I went out to breakfast yesterday and drove down to the lake afterwards so I could get a few pictures.  We only live a couple of miles from Lake Ontario but I have not been there since November.  It was a sea of white.

Winters are rough here because it is difficult to get outside unless you have the equipment to snowshoe or snowmobile.  And of course, everything is slippery and I'm always overly cautious when I'm out given my history with torn ligaments and fractured legs.  Even as we walked across the street to go to the restaurant I stepped on a patch of hidden ice and my "finally beginning to heal" knee was jarred as I slipped. I spent the rest of the day limping. 

Sigh. I'm thankful the weather is warming back up above single digits this week and hopefully, it'll melt some of this. 

In the meantime, I'm staying indoors. I need lots of color in my life and thrive on the beauty around me.  While snow and ice are very beautiful in their own way, it's sapping my energy and I'm longing for green, flowers and warm breezes. 

I'm going to look hard today and find some beauty around me.  Perhaps, I'll find it in my daughter's hugs. Or my son's laughter. Or the peace I feel from puttering around my house, accomplishing goals. Maybe, it's in the variety of fabric I can select to create something.  Perhaps it's in my husband's embrace. Or maybe it's within me as I learn to be content with my circumstances, or as I learn not to react but to pray about a situation.

Wherever I find it, my prayer is that you also can find the beauty around you today. But more than that, I pray that we can BE beauty to those around us. I have always loved the following quote and try to live it.

William Arthur Ward~
"Blessed is the woman who has a smile in her voice, a sparkle in her eyes, a song on her lips; a spring in her step, a warmth in her touch, a depth in her beauty, a purpose for her life, a joy in her faith, a hope in her breast and a love in her heart."

Have a beauty-filled day!

2 Corinthians 2:15 ~

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing


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