Foto Friday


It's Foto Friday at Rebecca's blog. The theme this week was SQUARES.

I had the worst time with this challenge. I couldn't think of a SINGLE idea. I felt totally uninspired and then, suddenly I knew why. First of all, I just find it hard to feel creative with a square.

But the main reason is that I tend to be an outside the box thinker and I don't fit the norm. Sometimes I don't feel like I fit in anywhere. I mean my husband and I deliberately moved to an inner city to do ten years of ministry. Then we went into church planting. I also homeschooled for eight years. All of these things don't fit into the things that most consider normal. ;-)

I don't like feeling confined and limited which is the very thing that squares represent to me. I know, it's weird, isn't it?

I decided to show you my feelings about squares.

To me a square gives me the feeling of being caged in. It's like trying to get out of a box and just not being able to.


Sometimes I feel like I don't measure up. I used my husband's carpenter's square for this picture.


If I do try and live up to everyone's expectations, these are the feelings that rise up inside of me.


The wonderful thing about following the Lord is that I'm not defined by another person's label. I have a new name and a new identity.

So, I'm defined by new labels.


It's freeing to have these names and they don't make me feel like I'm boxed in. I definitely don't feel like a square! It's exciting to for me to achieve all that the Lord has for me and to do what He created me to do!

So that is my take on squares. For more entries, check out Rebecca's blog (link at top).


  1. Well done Terri, what a difficult subject. I'm afraid the only thing that came to my mind re squares was....patchwork!

  2. I love the take you did on squares. And the hamster (gerbil?) in hte box was cute,too.

  3. Excellent Terri!!!


  4. Great job!!! :) Good thoughts...

  5. This is a great take on squares.

    My hope was that we would just find some concrete ideas: "shapes" (colors is next) and try to take a GOOD picture of them, rather than make a good picture out of interested concepts. Because that is what photography really is: creating art out of ordinary things.

    Don't be dishearted. We will have abstract ideas coming up again soon!

  6. For someone who didn't feel creative or inspired by a square sure did come out looking like she had the world by the tail or should I say on top of the square!!! I knew you would be able to come up with something. Beautiful job!! I liked all of these pictures but especially the Gerbil.


  7. love the last 2 pics!


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