
No Empty Promises

Yesterday was the beginning of Lent and for many people this is a time of self-denial and fasting from some activity. Unfortunately, it's also much like New Year's resolutions; the resolve to give up something often lasts only a day or so. Or many go through the motions of giving up something for Lent without really spending that time wrestling in prayer. I'm working through the readings found in the free resource I put together which can be found here: A Guide to Help You Walk Through Lent . As I read the passage found in Matthew this morning I noticed something about making resolves to follow God's leading. I highlighted the disciples' promises and actions in red and Jesus' actions in blue. The contrast is signficant.  Matthew 26:31-56 ~ Then Jesus said to them, “Tonight all of you will run away because of Me, for it is written:     I will strike the shepherd,     and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. But after I have been resurrected, I will go ahead ...

A Guide for Lent

Lent has always seemed a primarily Catholic or Orthodox celebration and the church I grew up in never practiced it, so it's not something I gave a lot of thought about. But in recent years, I've seen the beauty in this time of the year.  The origin of the word Lent comes from the “Old English word for springtime, spring” and “from West Germanic word meaning long-days or lengthening of the day.”  As we begin to enter into spring and nature starts to wake from its long winter sleep, it is a wonderful time to reflect on the renewal of all things spiritually as well. As we focus on Christ's sacrifice on the cross it should bring about renewed gratitude in our heart. Lent is meant to be a time of repentance of our sins and a reflection on the events leading up to Christ's death and resurrection. It's not a time of shame, but of thankfulness for Christ's sacrifice for us. And it's a time of our own sacrifice through fasting and giving up something for a 40-day per...

Monday Blessings

  I'm probably a bit strange as I've always liked Mondays. To me, it feels like a brand new beginning. On Sunday afternoon I always sit down and write out my to-do list for the week and look forward to checking the items off my list. It's also the day I try and look back over the previous week and find some things I am thankful for, or ways I saw the Lord at work. I'm dragging a bit on this Monday because I started getting sick over the weekend. So my cold-induced haze is making my thinking a little foggy today. But I have so many things to be thankful for and want to list them here. 💓 The biggest thing is the physical improvement in my mother-in-law. She went from being at death's door to being able to sit up and eat. Unfortunately, her cognitive ability has taken a turn for the worse and her Alzheimer's has become more pronounced. She is in a rehabilitation center at the moment and we will find out at the end of the week where she will land (either assisted l...

His Compelling Love

A thought came crashing in on me this morning and I was reminded of a truth found in scripture that I sometimes forget. It's easy to slip into a self-centered mode of thinking and there are times when I spiral into a "poor me" attitude about many things in my life, including ministry. And there have been days when I really want to quit. The following verses have resounded within me lately. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 ~ "For Christ's love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: If One died for all, then all died. And He died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the One who died for t hem and was raised. The reality is that my life is not about me. It's about Christ. As I get up each day everything that I do and every decision I make should have that truth in mind.  Dan and I both received a definite call upon our lives to full-time ministry. It wasn't a whim and it wasn't our own desire; it was a calling tha...

Sweet Moments in Chaos

The past two weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions and a feeling of chaotic activity and to be honest, feels like it's been more like a month. My mother-in-law was in the hospital for a week, then released and we took her to an assisted living facility last Wednesday. On Saturday, we moved my father-in-law in with some of their furniture. On Sunday, my mother-in-law ended back in the hospital with a urinary tract infection that had gone unnoticed and untreated and she is now is septic. We aren't really sure if she is going to make it. Yesterday, she was more alert and drinking some water, but she's in pain and if they adjust her in the bed she is crying and in agony. She hasn't eaten in a few days and can't swallow pills without choking so has all the medication going through an IV. We've been making the hour-long trek to see her, deal with my father-in-law and things in their house. It's a lot to manage and I especially feel for Dan's sister who ...

Thriving Through Difficulties

Many I know are going through very difficult times at the moment. That also includes our family as we deal with Dan's parents and their health issues. There are days when we feel overwhelmed by it all and I know our friends feel the same way with their own situations.  At times, it is difficult to know how to pray other than, "Lord, please remove this problem!" And yet, when I look at the passage in Romans 8, I am thankful that we have the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us. Romans 8:26-27 ~ "In the same way the Spirit also joins to help in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should , but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with unspoken groanings.  And He who searches the hearts knows the Spirit’s mind-set, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. " As I read that passage yesterday, the underlined parts spoke to me. Much of the time, I don't know what I need as I go through something and I certainly, don...

Love in Action

Today is Valentine's Day and a day to celebrate love. After 36 years of marriage, I realize that love is not the gushy romantic feelings that the movies make it out to be. Of course, it is like that in the beginning, when you are first dating. However, over time, it shifts and is more often represented in small actions.  As I was reflecting on how Dan and I show love to each other, as well as to our family and friends, I realized love has more to do with what goes unnoticed than what is noticed. Love is about showing up day after day and often, is doing the hard things. As I reflected on this, I realized I see love in action in so many ways each week. 💓 Love is my husband making sure he parks the car I'm going to use in the garage so that I don't have to slip on snow and ice in the morning when I'm leaving the house.   💓 Love is making meals that I know my family loves even though I don't eat those things. 💓 Love is my husband helping me by doing the dishes each ...