
Showing posts from January, 2012

Laying Around

Some days all you feel like doing is laying around!

Multitude Monday

Psalm 7:17 ~ "I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High." This morning I realized that I have almost reached my goal of counting 1,000 blessings. I've loved being able to do this and it has helped me to focus not on the problems in my life, but on the many ways the Lord has blessed me. There are so many blessings we miss out on because we just never notice them. We can spend a lifetime complaining and wishing things were different and yet, all the time, good is in front of us. If only we would take time to stop and actually see the things God has given us! This week I'm thankful for blessings #836-850 ♫ Selling 3 aprons. ♫ Listening to my daughter sing a song she wrote, while her daddy plays guitar. ♫ An invitation to have a craft table at our district's next ladies retreat in April. ♫ Helping Emily study for a test and seeing a good grade as a result. ♫ A table ready for guests. ♫ An

Made to Order

This is the second order I've had where people have asked me to make a specific item. I was commissioned to make two aprons, a his and hers set for a gift. The customer told me she wanted me to try and incorporate some of the colors in this couple's kitchen - dark greens, brown, dark red, navy. She also wanted both aprons to have the same basic colors but obviously, one more feminine and one masculine. Both aprons have dark green on one side and chocolate brown on the other. The pocket is the same on both sides and is lined in chocolate brown. I enjoyed making these even though they are not my favorite colors. I think something springy and colorful is coming up! ;-)

Crafty Things

I've been pretty productive this week. Of course, I've been busy making aprons. I did a custom order for a friend and mailed it off to her yesterday. That's this one. I made two aprons that are in my Etsy shop. and this one which is reversible and a lined pocket on each side. I made a set of 6 note cards. They are also in the shop. Then I made this cute wreathe to decorate for Valentine's Day. Of course, the lighting was horrible and the flash made the Modge Podge look super shiny, and it's a bit blurry. It's much nicer than it looks here and apparently, I stink at photography first thing in the morning! LOL I also have the fabric cut out for two more custom aprons - a his and hers set. I'm loving all this crafting! :-)


If I had a word to describe yesterday's birthday, it would be touching. My major gift was the party and we also went out to eat last night. But Dan and the children all made me homemade cards this year and let me just say, I cried a lot yesterday! I won't share Dan's because it's too personal but he did list 50 qualities that he appreciated about me. Emily's was very sweet. She did an acronym of my name and wrote something next to each adjective. T errific - Mom, you are awesome. I love you. E xciting - #1 Mom? You! R eligious - You motivate me every day and I can't tell you how many times you have cheered me up. R ockin' - U R Awesome! I ntelligent - I love you so much. You mean a lot to me and you are a great role model. P.S. You are skinny! (I need to pay that girl)! Stephen's was very clever. He wrote kind of a poem (not a rhyming one). What is Fifty? Fifty is celebration Fifty is amazing Fifty is shocking Fifty is wonderful Fifty is kind Fi

50 Years Old Today

50 years old. Half a century. Stephen mentioned to me that the average person lives until they are 80 years old so I'm 63% of the way there. LOL I'm not sure what I think about that. It seems like such a large number to be, especially since I don't feel 50. I feel like I should be wiser (okay, as I typed this I accidentally hit the "d" key and typed in wider -snicker). I feel like I should have done more with my life. More fun and exciting things. But then I ask myself, "Is that what life is supposed to be about?" Is our goal in life supposed to be fun and excitement? Don't get me wrong, those things are great from time to time but it shouldn't be all our life is about. Some things I'm asking myself today... "Did I make a difference in someone else's life?" "Did my life improve the life of someone else?" "Was my life pleasing to God?" "Have I accomplished God's purpose for my life?" I thin

Ahem! Is This Microphone On?

I have an announcement! After months of hemming and hawing and changing my mind, I finally took the plunge and opened an Etsy shop. I'm scared! I tend to be very unsure of my abilities and tend to second guess myself quite regularly. I see flaws in my craft items that most people probably never notice. I start thinking that they really aren't that great and what if no one likes them? However, I have beaten down the voices and set up shop. The link is on my sidebar so when you have a moment, go on over and check it out. I'll be adding things as I finish them. Thanks!

Multitude Monday

Moments. Life is made up of little moments that can go unnoticed. Moments that seem unimportant. Moments that are full of drudgery. Moments that are over in the blink of an eye. Every now and then there are those moments that are incredible and keep you going. Yesterday was one of those moments. I turn 50 on Wednesday. I'm not particularly overwhelmed by it as long as I don't think of myself as being half a century old. ;-) But it's a big birthday coming up. My husband, extended family and church family threw me a birthday party yesterday that was a wonderful moment in my life. A moment where I felt loved. Where I felt appreciated. A moment that showed I mattered to other people. A moment where I knew that I made a difference in other people's lives. Moments. Before I move on to the next moment in my life, I want to look back and savor that time from yesterday. This week I'm thankful for moments #828-835 ♥ Silly Moments ♥ Sweet Moments ♥ Touching Moments

Crafty Things (One More)

I made this apron this morning and it turned out so cute that I had to post it now. :-) Side One Side Two The pockets are lined with the fabric from the opposite side. Love it!

Crafty Things

I've been busy making aprons for the community market in our town. However, I've taken my aprons to a new level this week. Most of my aprons are fairly simple. They are cute, but nothing exciting. Just one sided with a pocket like the one below. Yesterday as I was making another one, I decided to do a reversible apron. I loved it and thought it made the whole thing seem a better quality product. Then I thought I'd add a pocket to both sides. Here are two sides of the same apron. However, I also added one more thing to make it even better. The pockets are lined with the contrasting fabric. Here is the sample of one side. The other side just has the fabric reversed on the apron. So what do you think? I'm thinking I can charge an extra $5 and they may also sell better. What have you been working on this week?


We spent the weekend with my sister and her family, as well as other extended family members as we celebrated my sister's 25th wedding anniversary. I was reminded of the following quotes. "In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future." Alex Haley "The love of a family is life's greatest blessing" "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" Anthony Brandt "There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained" Winston Churchill "No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?" Elbert Hubbard "When you look at your life the greatest happiness are family happinesses" Dr. Joyce Brothers. "I sustain myself with t


I'm being stalked. There are many days as I sit in my sewing room, I feel eyes on my back. Or as I take the trash out, I'll hear rustling in the bushes. It's gotten so I don't go anywhere without carrying a sturdy weapon. It can be frightening at times. But I'm coping. The other day I was sewing and felt that uneasy feeling as if someone was watching me. I turned around quickly and caught sight of the culprit. Or in this case, culprits. This is their new thing. They fly up onto my back deck and stare at me through the window and begin crowing at me non-stop. It is quite annoying because they are making a mess of the deck. The other day, in an attempt to break them of this habit, I threw open the door and flung water at them! They scattered for a moment. But they were back soon after. I've been polishing my stew pot! ;-)

Crafty Things

I only got one project done this week though I did get a couple of aprons cut out to whip up for the community market next weekend. I made a table runner for my sister for her anniversary and I'm pleased with how it turned out. Here is the finished result. The back. Hopefully I'll get a few more things done next week.

How to Make a Good Dinner Great

Take some favorite foods. Add candle light. Lots of laughter. Have a time of reading God's word and great discussion. End it with tasty dessert.