Frugal Friday

Dan and I were headed out to our district's family camp for a vacation/work time. However, circumstances beyond our control happened so that we are not going to be able to stay there. I could whine and carry on, or I can have a good attitude and look at the positive side (which I'm doing). I was pleased that my initial response was actually laughter at the humor of the situation. The camp is exactly an hour away so we are still going to get to go a couple of days and enjoy the fellowship and speakers during the day. I get to sleep in my nice cozy bed and not pack a ton of stuff (which I hate doing). What does this have to do with being frugal? B eing frugal is more than just pinching pennies, making do or doing without. It's also about your attitude while you do it. I can do the best job of saving my money and yet, have a rotten attitude the whole time. I can have the attitude, "Why do I always have to do withou...