
Showing posts from February, 2013

Book Review - "Where's Heidi? One Sister's Journey

Back at the beginning of the month, I told you that I would be doing a review of my friend Lisa M. Buske's book, Where's Heidi? One Sister's Journey . This is one of those books that is difficult to put down once you pick it up.  It chronicles Lisa's journey from discovering that her 18 year old sister, Heidi Allen, had been kidnapped from a local convenience store where she was working in 1994.  One man is in prison for the kidnapping and presumed death, and his accomplice was acquitted. This poignant story shares the journey that Lisa has taken from disbelief, fear, pain, anger, and despair and finally, to acceptance and peace.  She shares how God used this unbelievable tragedy to draw her to Himself. At the end of the book, there is a section on reflection and questions that correspond with each chapter.  I really enjoyed some of the questions she posed, and they challenged me and made me think! One of the first things that struck me about Lisa when I met

And Life Goes On...

First of all, I woke this morning at 4:45 and saw an eerie glow in the room.  This gorgeous sight was hovering over our back yard.  Thank you God for giving some beauty to start my day and thank you for zoom lenses that allow me to share it with you! I have a problem.  I get so hyper-focused on things sometimes to the detriment of all other things needing my attention.  This entire weekend was spent focusing on editing the book.  I woke up at 12:30 a.m. on Monday morning and stayed up until 4:30 a.m., working on it.  Then I was back at it all day yesterday in between checking Emily's work. Unfortunately, there were pesky things like meals and a doctor's appointment that tore me away too. However, last night I looked around at the piles of laundry sitting in baskets.  The stack of papers on my table.  The layer of grime and dust in the bathrooms (yuck)!  Life goes on and I must focus on other things.  It would be wonderful if I could sit on a desert island and concentra

Giving Birth

I am giving birth again!  That got your attention, didn't it?  LOL!!!!  This time, it's not a baby, it's a book. I have been working on a book for the past few years.  I really struggle so much with insecurity.  I've had great affirmation from people that I write well, that I have something important to share, and that I should go for it.  But I am afraid.  Afraid that someone will rip it to shreds.  Afraid that it's all in my head.  Afraid to fail. But I decided finally to just ignore those fears and go ahead and self-publish.  I know there are so many who feel like that is not the way to go. That you'll be taken more seriously or reach a wider audience by going through a publisher.  Those fears keep bouncing around my head too. But I decided to go this way because I know if I don't do it now, it'll never happen. Besides, I'm not setting out to be famous.  I'm content with reaching a smaller circle of people.  This is more about achieving

The Positive & Humorous Side of Things

I realize my post yesterday ended on sort of a negative note.  I do struggle with feeling overwhelmed and discouraged about these things from time to time.  But generally, I find the humorous and positive side of things.  So, lest you think I'm sitting here weeping in my cornflakes, I thought I'd post some of those things today. ♫ Remember our roosters?  We lost 2 of them this winter.  One of them got eaten by a fox or something.  The other just keeled over in the coop one day.  The remaining three have settled down and are pretty docile.  Of course, they know instinctively that I'm nervous and follow me around like I'm their mother! Our property butts up against the local gun club.  One day I looked out the window and a pheasant was out there.   However, over the course of a week, the word has gotten out that 1) there is free food here and 2) there is no shooting over here.  So now, all day long I have a flock of these pheasants out there, helping themselves to t


I have to say that this has been the longest "feeling" winter I have ever experienced.  I'm not sure why, but I'm not liking it at all!  Some of it is that I don't have access to a car during the day, plus given our financial situation there is nothing I could do anyway. :-) Here are some meanderings... First of all, when did my daughter get so grown-up looking?  Amazing!  She'll be 14 in May so I guess it was bound to happen. :-) I'm still watching birds.  They never cease to provide entertainment. I organized a Chilefest at our church to raise money for a mission's trip to La Pintara, Chile.  We always have a few people from our church go each year to continue work on a girl's orphanage there.    Made granola, using the following recipe. 5 cups, rolled oats pinch of salt 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 cup canola oil 1/2 cup sweetener - honey or maple syrup 1/2 cup seeds or nuts or both 1 cup flaked coconut (

Multitude Monday

Today I'm continuing my journey of giving thanks in all things.  It is not always easy but something I think is necessary in order to keep my attitude where it should be.  I haven't done it in the past few weeks and yep, my attitude went right back to that stinking thinking that I'm so susceptible to get!   So in an effort to take every thought captive that II Corinthians 10:5 talks about, I'm blessed with the following things today: #14 65-1480 ~  ♥ Electricity. ♥ Special dinners. ♥ Raising money for a great cause. ♥ Friends who are like sisters.   ♥ Finding a bit of clarity in some confusing things. ♥ Early morning silence. ♥ Talking my son through a hard decision.   ♥ The stillness of snow falling. ♥ Chatting with old friends. ♥ Encouraging words. ♥ Great-Grandmas. ♥ Being encouraged by the enthusiasm of a young man in our church who is leaving for Chile for 3 months of missions work. ♥ Good smells from my kitchen. ♥ Visiting wi

Valentine's Day

Despite the fact that I woke up with a nasty head cold which has progressively gotten worse as the day wore on, it was a very nice Valentine's Day.  We decided to stick with what we started last year and make it a day to not only celebrate our love for each other, but for our children as well.  We included them in the festivities. I made a special dinner.  ♥ Menu ♥ Butternut Squash Soup Garlic-rosemary Crusted Pork Loin Homemade Dinner Rolls Twice Baked Creamy Stuffed Potatoes Steamed Broccoli Jello Salad Citrus Cooler Black Forest Cheesecake   I decorated the table and the kids enjoyed looking at photos from our wedding. We gave the kids some candy and a card.  I made Dan a tie and some homemade candy and he gave me some tea from my favorite company and a candle. It was a simple way to celebrate but still very nice and something that everyone looked forward to all day.  

Thrifty Thursday: Stretching the Food Bill

Food prices continue to rise which can be so frustrating when you are a family of 5 living on one meager income.  It's discouraging when you are being as frugal as you can and it's still a struggle, but I generally rally and decide to keep a positive attitude and continue to look at all this as an exciting challenge! I spend roughly a little under $600 per month for food, personal hygiene items, and household supplies.  And yes, I know exactly what I spend because I made a budget and spreadsheet with Excel so I can keep track and plug up the holes when needed! It can be kind of fun to see how to make due with what you have and still be creative.  Some ways that I stretched our food this week. ► I haven't bought boxed cereal in a few weeks which does require me to get creative for breakfast.  Not my favorite meal but I've been doing it.  Waffles on Sunday, omelets on Monday, homemade granola Tuesday and waffles on Wednesday. ►  I had a family pack of chicken bre

February Days

February. One of those dreary, boring, nothing exciting happening months.  Yet, we're getting through it and finding things to keep us busy. Things like.... Making cookies And decorating them. Enjoying the beautiful sunshine after a storm. Playing in the snow with a friend. I love that they are still not too old to enjoy making forts! Sewing. Dealing with roosters who are afraid of the snow! lol Playing games with Dad. Shoveling off roofs which are causing a dripping ceiling. Celebrating a birthday. Falling flat on my face in the snow. We still have a few more weeks to go, but Spring is right around the corner, friends.   Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

Dear Stephen, You are twenty years old today.  Happy Birthday, my son!  I love you so much and it's been such a pleasure as your mother to see you grow and mature over the past year.  There are so many things I want to tell you. First of all, I'm proud of you.  I love seeing your compassion for others shine through.  As I listen to you talk with your Dad about things such as racism, poverty, social justice, and your beliefs, my heart swells.  There is so much of your father in you.  Your love for those less fortunate, your desire to help others, your ability to get along with everyone are all mirror images of your father.  I love those things in him and I love them in you too. You have flourished in college and I love your passion for learning.  Even though I tease you about it, your desire to expand your vocabulary is a good thing.  It means you want to learn more.  You want to stretch your brain and further your education.  It's wonderful how you communicate with

Guest Blogger - Lisa M. Buske

I have a guest blogger today!   I met my friend, Lisa Buske at a woman's conference hosted by our denomination and her story touched my heart.  The first impression you get of Lisa is overwhelming, bubbly joy.  She loves to smile and laugh.  So one would think that her life has just hummed merrily along.  But it has not.  Lisa's only sister, Heidi, was abducted at the age of 18 and is presumed dead. Lisa has written a book that is being released on April 3rd called Where's Heidi? One Sister's Journey.   I will be writing a book review here on February 28th, but in the meantime I invited Lisa to write an author's note about her new book.  I should also note that Lisa just had a book released and you can purchase it on called, When the Waves Subside - There is Hope. Let's hear from Lisa!     Author Note by Lisa M Buske Author of Where’s Heidi? One Sister’s Journey I am blessed to be visiting Terri and all of you here on “Hearts in Service”

Jump at De Son

It has been one of those weeks at our house.  I find myself just feeling over whelmed and f rustration seems to abound.  Irritation at circumstances.  Discouragement over my son's future that seems bleak at times.  Wondering how things will play out in Nathan's life.   Dealing with an adult child who sees his younger brother moving forward and feels like he is staying stagnant.  At times I find myself focusing so much on the problems, that I forget I serve an Almighty God who has a plan for my son's life. I start feeling so overwhelmed, discouraged and things look hopeless.  I know that God's hand is on Nat e and that he sees the future, but I can only see a few feet down the road.  But I know that all I have to do is move to the point I can see and then from there I'll be able to see a bit further.  I need to trust God for the parts of the road that are hidden. I saw this quote and it was an encouragement to me ... "Mama exhorted her chi

Thrifty Thursday: Using up Scraps

I love to sew and walking into a fabric store can make me want to buy up the place.  Good thing I rarely go, because it's hard to be thrifty in one of those stores! :-)  About a a year ago someone gave me a few boxes of fabric and I've been trying to use a lot of that fabric in the things I make.  I also find that I have a lot of leftover fabric from the different projects I do. I don't like to quilt, using intricate patterns (not enough patience) so I can't use the leftovers for that.  But I have found a pretty good use for some of it. I make these little 9" x 4" tea totes to use to store tea bags in your purse and much of the leftover fabric is perfect for this! These are some I made this week and they are awaiting the snaps.  I also have improved them by adding thin, stiff batting which has given them so much more durability.  I love the look and feel of them and it also is a great use for the leftover pieces of batting that are too small for any ot


Tee hee hee!!!!  I love secrets and surprises.  My husband doesn't get that at all but it's the way I'm wired.  I love to go out of my way to make something special and surprise someone too. Dan turns 50 this June.  We also celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary the same month.  So many special days coming up!  He is pretty technologically challenged, and never here on my blog or on facebook so I can plan and share bits and pieces and never worry about him finding out. I have some doozies planned for that man that I love! The best day of my life was the day that the Lord brought us together.  He makes me laugh all the time.  There are so many wonderful qualities about him, but because he is so easy going and doesn't promote himself, I fear that those qualities often go ignored and unnoticed by many. So this year is going to be ALL about letting him know how much I and others appreciate him. I can hardly wait til June! ;-)

The Tie That Binds

On any given Sunday morning at our church, you will find. Great music.   Teens participating in the service in a variety of ways.  Yesterday, Dan used a few of them in a skit as part of his sermon. You'll find babies crawling around on the floor and toddlers and preschoolers running around. Old and young get along and enjoy each other. You'll find tears and laughter. It's a place where we pray. And play. Where one's gifts are developed and utilized. God's word is taught, discussed, and wrestled with. It's a place where all are loved and accepted.   It's unique. It's wonderful. It's NOT perfect.  We have misunderstandings and bad days and irritations and weaknesses.   But we work through it, deal with each other, and forgive! It is, I believe, the way God intended for His body to be. It's family.   We have one tie that binds us together.  The bond of Christ and it is awesome!