
Showing posts from July, 2011

New Addition to the Family & Other News

We have a new addition to our family. I bet that got your attention! This lady showed up yesterday looking very hungry. Of course, Emily took it upon herself to feed the poor thing. We noticed large, bluish broken eggs a few weeks ago next on the side of the church. Now we are thinking that a fox got into them and ate her babies. :-( Anyway, now that she's been fed and there is a huge pond behind the church, we think she may have moved in for good. In other news, I participated in the local community market yesterday. I made a grand total of $46 after I paid for the table so it wasn't that big of a success. The craft items didn't sell at all, but everyone seemed to be there to purchase fresh produce and food. The ladies next to me selling crafts hardly sold anything. It was also raining and we were stuck indoors which may have cut down on the amount of people coming. However, I had fun and I got to look at these cuties across from me the whole evening. Emily has her

Crafty Things

Can you stand one more post on my crafting? I whipped up two aprons yesterday and they were so easy to make. I'm hoping to get two more done today. Why? Our town has a community market that meets twice a month and I'm trying my hand at selling some of my things today. I'll be bringing cookies, bread, jam, dishcloths, cards, and aprons. Here are they are. I'll give you a break from my crafty posts for awhile. ;-)

Crafty Things

We moved into this house on March 26 and last week I finally got my sewing room cleaned out. It was basically the dumping ground for everything that had no home. I decluttered it, gave two boxes full of items to the local thrift store, and cleaned it top to bottom. It looks beautiful! I have found that now that it's clean I'm in the mood the craft. Here are some of my latest creations. I made an apron. About 20 cards. Some dishcloths. And I finished the top of a table runner that I started working on 6 months ago. I haven't touched it since. I just need to piece the back, batting and top together and do the binding and that will be done. It feels good to be back creating again!

Multitude Monday

Psalm 66 ~ 1 Shout for joy to God, all the earth! 2 Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious. 3 Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. 4 All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name.” 5 Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind! 6 He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters on foot— come, let us rejoice in him. 7 He rules forever by his power, his eyes watch the nations— let not the rebellious rise up against him. 8 Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; 9 he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. 10 For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. 11 You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. 12 You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. 13 I will


Okay I have to admit at having a couple of sleepless nights since I turned in my resignation last week. One night I stared at the ceiling in terror and thought, "What have I done?" However, once the light of day hit I felt encouraged and decided to roll up my sleeves and come up with a plan. I've always tried to keep my food bills under a certain amount each month, but I do have to say that I haven't done a great job at sticking to a budget. I mean I go to the store with a general idea of what I want to spend but if I see something I want, I buy it. However, I'm trying something totally new for me. Sticking to a dollar amount and not going over it at all. In fact, trying my best to stay under it so that I can apply the savings to another category in my budget. My pantry was fairly full this week. We are having a very tight week financially so I wanted to stick to $50 for groceries and paper goods. It's not easy with prices being what they are. I hit 3 s


This has been quite the year around here! We've had so many changes in such a short period of time that sometimes I feel like my head is spinning. Going back to work full-time after being home for the past 9 years, moving, having a car die, realizing that our children will have to go to a different school district next year. There were days when it felt like we could not take one more thing. Yet, we tried to handle these things with a positive attitude. I took the job as a teacher's aide last August to solve an immediate problem of needing benefits for our family. Our church was not able to pay them and given our children and their many health issues, we felt it would be crazy not to have it. So, I began working a full-time job. Even though I like the people I work with, it was difficult for me many times because I felt like I was giving up something I loved doing - caring for my husband and children, as well as being there for our church family. Yet, it was what I need

Multitude Monday

Thankfulness. Even when it feels like things are crashing down around you. Thankfulness. When your heart doesn't feel it. Thankfulness. When you want to list your complaints. It's not an easy task but perhaps that is why Hebrews 13:15 says, Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. Today I'm thankful for Blessings #521-540 ♥ Best friends. ♥ A van that waited to die until the day after a 400 mile round trip. ♥ A friend that was available to pick Dan up from the garage and take him to work. ♥ Safety on the road. ♥ Pumpkin blossoms. ♥ Meeting new people at a local community market. ♥ Talking to my mother-in-law on the phone. ♥ Hearing her say that she loves us. ♥ Summer time parades. ♥ Being asked to lead a session at a retreat in September. ♥ A phone call that I dreaded, yet went well. ♥ A barbecue with friends. ♥ Jars of jewel-tone jam. ♥ An opportunity for a fun week at camp. ♥ Lunch wi

Gathering Up the Fragments

I read a book a few years ago called, The American Frugal Housewife by Lydia Maria Childs. It was written in 1828 and some things are no longer applicable. However, there were many wonderful nuggets that are useful for today. One of the quotes in the book was, "The true economy of housekeeping is simply the art of the gathering up all the fragments, so that nothing be lost. I mean fragments of time, as well as materials." I have found this so true in working to make my dollars stretch further. In the area of food, if I have the mentality that the little bits don't count than I will find that not only do I waste quite a bit of food but I throw my and my husband's hard earned money away. I will also spend more of my precious time shopping if I don't make our food stretch further. One of the ways I gathered up the fragments this week is shown in the pizza above. I made spaghetti sauce on Sunday for dinner. We had it for leftovers on Monday night. On Wednesday,

Multitude Monday

For ten months, I've listed my blessings each week. Bit by bit, I have been gathering them and it has changed my outlook. Looking for the little ways I am blessed has helped me to see God's hand upon my life. Upon reflection however, I wondered, "Do I thank God for the things in my life that don't seem to be blessings?" Do I thank Him for the trials? For the inconveniences? For the crises? The good things are easy, no matter how small. Yet, I very rarely look at the struggles as something to be thankful for. They are more something to try to get through. I view them as lessons but not blessings. The Lord is His wisdom gave me opportunity to put this into practice immediately. There is a song called, Blessings, by Laura Story (lyrics and a link are below). It is a wonderful reminder that God's blessings are often disguised. You have to slow down, listen and watch to see them. Perhaps the many sorrows and struggles are God's way of keeping us con

Scenes from the 4th of July

We spent a quiet day at home yesterday and then headed out to the local fairgrounds to hear the Philharmonic Orchestra and watch fireworks. It was a wonderful way to celebrate our independence!

Multitude Monday

My heart is so full this week of all the wonderful ways God has blessed me! It seems to be easier some weeks to see God's blessings than it is at other times. This was one of those weeks. Today I'm thankful for Blessings #491-505 ► A stepfather who spent the week helping us with odd jobs around the house. ► My mom who did my dishes and folded my laundry all week. ► Stephen who has been pouring over college catalogs. It's been wonderful to see him getting excited. ► A lazy summer outing - dinner at a restaurant on their outdoor terrace. ► A great visit with my parents. ► The gift of a new outfit. ► The hum of dragonfly wings. ► Watching Nathan march in a parade. ► A grandfather who patiently teaches new skills. ► Chatting with my daughter while she fishes. ► Property full of wild grapes. ► Afternoons spent at the town pool. ► Grandparents who spent hours playing games with Emily. ► Free ranging chickens. And finally... ► God confirming a decision I have made.