Multitude Monday: When all You Can do is Cling to the Vine
It is easy to give thanks when things are going well. When my cup overflows and things go my way and all is right in my world, "Thank you, God," rolls off my tongue. But when life is hard and you feel like all you can do is cling to the vine or the cold wind of anxiety will blow you away, it's a lot tougher. And yet, on the night Christ was knowingly going to His death, He broke bread, lifted it heavenward and gave thanks. "Thank you for this cross you have given me to bear, Lord." May I be able to pray the same. When Job's children, servants and material possessions, and even his health had been taken from him, He blessed the Lord. "Naked, I came into the world. Naked I depart. Blessed be the name of the Lord." May I be able to say the same. As Stephen was being stoned, he cried out words of forgiveness for those who were throwing the rocks. "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." M