In the Blink of an Eye

Life is fragile. It changes in a blink of an eye. When it happens to you it doesn't give you time to breathe and it doesn't give you time to think. When the life-altering change happens, you do what you have to do.

My mom landed in the emergency room on Monday and we have found that the cancer has grown so much that it's cutting off parts of her GI tract. She will be coming home on hospice care sometime this week and the doctor said it could be 6-8 weeks or a bit longer, but she is at the end of her life.

Hug your family members. Forget the hurts. Ignore slights. Remember the good times. Laugh, love, enjoy life while you can. It's fleeting.

I'm so thankful my sister and I are here to care for my mom and to care for our stepdad. I'm thankful that some of his children are here to help encourage him as well.

God has allowed us the privilege of taking care of our mom as she has cared for us in our lives.


  1. Terri, I am so sorry to hear this. As you say, 'enjoy life while you can'. It can slip away too suddenly. I'm glad you are there with your mum and sister. I will be praying for you.

  2. I am so sorry your mom days here are so short, Terri. I hope she is as comfortable as possible and that you can have precious times with her in these final weeks. You are in my prayers.

  3. I am so sorry to hear this - I will be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Praying for peace and comfort for all of you.

  5. I'm so sorry-you'll be in my prayers.

  6. Oh Terri!! This breaks my heart to read this!! And seeing the picture of your sweet Momma is heartwrenching!! I am just so very Dad died of cancer when I was 21 and my Mom died of cancer when I was 31 so I understand how difficult this journey is for you and your family!! The pain of watching someone die from cancer is extremely painful. God, please comfort Terri's mom as she is suffering from this cancer. Please help her and Terri's family to know You are with them and hurt with them! In the Mighty Name of Jesus we ask this prayer!


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