Crafty Things
I had been in a sewing slump this entire summer, but making the two baby quilts last week seems to have pulled me out of it. As I was getting ready to post this morning I realized that I had made FIVE aprons this week. That is a record! If you are friends with me on facebook, I apologize because you've seen these already. But here are the aprons I put together this week. Two half aprons. A bib apron. A friend let me borrow an apron she had that was designed in such a way that the straps fit through a casing in the bodice. This allows you to adjust the straps to your size. Genius! Another friend wanted me to design her an apron with red in it, so as soon as she decides which she prefers I'll be putting the rest in my Etsy shop which is listed on my side bar. I realized that I haven't given others the opportunity to share so I'm going to start my link up again this week. Now is your chance to share. Please feel free to link up so