End of August "Tidying up" Recap
It's been two months since I made the change to eat plant based and whole foods and I'm loving the results I'm seeing with very minimal effort. Because I've always made everything from scratch this hasn't been a challenge that way at all. I've continued to cook the way I always have only without all the fat and sugar. I've cut way back on my salt intake as well. I still do use it because I think it does enhance the flavor, but I'm not using anywhere near the amount I used to do. It's been really helpful to listen to some podcasts from different doctors and nutritionists and learn how to make better choices even within a plant-based diet. Because my family eats whatever I make for them, they have been eating healthier as well. I've had to navigate a couple of tricky situations and as long as I have a plan going in then I find it's not that difficult. Being away from home for extended periods of time is a little difficult, but planning ahe