Preparing for the Future
Dan & I have not been able to do a whole lot of preparing for the future and that is mostly because we make just enough to pay our bills. There is not extra for vacations or putting away for retirement or a rainy day. I find myself getting frustrated sometimes because I can't figure out why we can't save but when I look at it on paper, there just isn't enough. So I have been working hard at making a go at my personal business. I know I'm not going to get rich. And half the time I think I'm losing money on it. However, I was pleasantly surprised when our accountant told me that my business actually broke even last year. Whoo-hoo!!!! It's progress. I don't talk a lot about Nathan here but we do have to think of the future because our future involves him. Every now and then the tight noose of fear wraps itself around me when I think about what might happen if anything happened to Dan or I. So as much as I would like to burry my head i