
Showing posts from July, 2019


My days are so busy and full. I really do enjoy it, but in order to keep some resemblance of sanity I need to find balance. I don't want to fall into the trap which I often do of spending an entire day focusing only on one thing to the detriment of all else. I think the word that would describe my days is preparation. Preparing my Mind I'm preparing my mind as I study for my consecration exams. My 8 hour written exam is September 11. My oral exam before the Licensing, Ordination, Consecration Committee is on October 22nd. All of my requirements are done so all that remains is studying. I've been putting together PowerPoint presentations of the different question sections since it helps solidify it in my own head. The verse that comes to mind is in 2 Timothy 2:15 ~ "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth." Preparing to Can I bought some pe

Daily Bread

Ding. When I turned my phone on this morning my little notification message made it's alert noise to let me know that I had an email. I opened it to see a message from my daughter's school letting me know her tuition bill was ready to view. The moment I had dreaded for most of the summer had arrived. I closed the window without clicking on the link and took another sip of coffee.  I didn't want to look just yet and needed time to pray and get spiritually ready before I opened that bill. I had just read the passage where Jesus prays that His Heavenly Father would provide daily bread. Just enough for that day. I gave a message on Monday and talked about Jesus' miracles as He prayed and multiplied fish and bread to feed crowds. Afterwards, the disciples gathered up the leftovers and there were basketfuls of remaining bread. The God who multiplies bread can certainly provide what we need to pay one bill. But that one bill is often in the thousands of

Crafty Things

I need to hand sew the binding to the back and iron it Same as above I've been attempting to sew a few times a week so I can keep replenishing my inventory. I participate in the local farmer's market and I wasn't expecting to sell so many home décor items but I've been pleasantly surprised that each week I sell at least 2-3 items. The soup bowl cozies are a hit and I find it's better if I let people purchase 1 or 2 rather than a complete set of 4. Most that are interested in them only want a fewer number. I've been making those simple table runners, like the red one show above, for a while now. I can charge less for them and they sell well. But I've missed making the quilted ones so did a couple of those this week. It was fun to mix and match fabrics and designs. Someone just bought ten of my disposable coffee cup sleeves or cozies so I'll need to replenish those and I also need to make more of the wrap around tea pot cozies. I


God, I can't carry this burden. It's too heavy. I didn't plan for this. So often in our lives we get hit with the unexpected, the unplanned and the unwanted burden. It hits us right in the gut with a sickening thud and leaves us weak and stressed. We become bent over from the weight of it and we're not sure how we are supposed to take a step forward. But God in His grace offers to carry the burden for us. As I opened my Bible to read this morning, this verse in Psalm 68 caused me to pause. He daily carries my burden. He promises to help me get through today. I can't see what's coming tomorrow and I don't need to know. As I start each new day with Christ, He stoops and picks up my burden and walks with me. Matthew 11:28-30 ~ “ Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Romans 5:1-5 ~ Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.  And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Are you feeling hopeless today? Is life crashing in on you and you want to give up? Do you feel as if you might suffocate? Or perhaps you are struggling with feeling unworthy. That no matter how hard you try you can't get it right. Please remember that if you are a follower of Jesus Christ there is hope! First of all, there is nothing that we can or cannot do to earn our righteousness. Jesus did that all for us on the c

Multitude Monday

It's Monday and I'm dragging a bit, but ready to face a new week. I'm thankful for so many things in my life and as I reflect this morning, I am thankful that God is at work in me during the hard times.  So often we thank Him for the good things and when things are going well in our lives. But when life is tough we tend to either rant and rave and carry on about them or we put our head down and just try to get through them. But I want to thank Him for those hard times. I'm finding that it's in those trying times that I grow the most as a believer.  Life has been tough the past few years and there are days when I want to just give up, but I'm also so incredibly thankful for the lessons I'm learning and the ways that I'm being stretched. I'm thankful for the days when all I can do is cling to the Lord and look to Him for my strength. I'm thankful for the times when all I can do is follow Him along a very precarious path. And I'm thankful

The Sun Will Rise Again

I woke up at 3:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. After tossing and turning for about an hour I finally got up and went out on the back deck with my Bible and a cup of coffee. It was too dark to read so for about a half an hour I just sat and sipped the coffee and prayed. The sky was black and all I could see was the moon shining above me. But gradually, the sky began to brighten and turn pink.  And when I peeked around the corner of the house I saw this gorgeous sunrise. The sky was beautiful with orange, pink and purple hues. I'm not sure what difficult thing you are going through, but no matter how black your night feels, the sun will rise again. The pain will ease and you will see bright skies. I've been there and understand that dark despair but at the same time, that's exactly where the enemy would want you to stay; in despair.  But God is with you and walking alongside you. He will strengthen and comfort you. He w

Meals on the Go

I love to cook for people and I honestly love to cook for my family. But I'm busy, I have a lot on my plate (pun not intended), and by the time dinner time rolls around I'm starting to fade. So I don't want to spend hours making meals. I generally don't know what I'm making until the day of unless I purchase a specific roast or something that needs to be thawed for a long period of time. Normally, I open up the freezer, stare into it and then inspiration hits! lol Most of the dinners I make only take me about 30 minutes from start to the table. I try to keep it simple and I've also shared here before that late in the afternoon I'll put on the Food Network and after watching a half an hour of my favorite shows I feel motivated to start dinner. Whatever works! This week we had a variety of meals - taboulleh, spicy red pepper pork chops, beef stew, Mexican casserole, and chili. What doesn't get eaten for dinner is used for leftovers for l


Snickerdoodles I updated my home processing license through the Department of Agriculture to include cookies, muffins, scones and granola. I wanted to be able to offer different things at the farmers market. At this point, I've only brought cookies besides my normal breads and jams.  Because cookies freeze very well and stay fresh, I've been able to start making the cookies early in the week and try to make a batch or two a day. Thursdays and Fridays are taken up with bread making and given the situation with my back I'm better off not standing for long periods of time. So the routine each day is to take the butter out of the freezer where it is stored and let it thaw on the counter in the morning. Then at some point in the afternoon I make the cookies. I've been bringing about 17 dozen a week of five different kinds of cookies. So far this week we have molasses crinkles, coconut-lime sugar cookies, chocolate chip and lemon crinkles. Today I'm

Shampoo, Lather, Rinse, Repeat

  There is something about being outside in nature that clears my head and helps me to pray and reflect and start to feel like I'm coming awake. I am thankful for our property where I can walk in the back field and get a way for a bit. It's far enough away from the road that I don't hear the sound of traffic and until someone in our church bushwhacks the tall grass and weeds it makes for a wonderful sanctuary. One summer I took a chair and small table back there so I could sit in peace and read.  I took a stroll around the property the other night, photographing different flowers and plants and praying. There are many things weighing me down and it was a perfect time to lift some of these concerns up to the Father.  As I walked I came across a little pop-up tent that Stephen had erected back there. He's a lot like me in that he needs time outside too. He'll often go out there to spend some time by himself. I o