The Lonely, The Outcast, The Forgotten and the Broken

I got back from the district-wide conference I've been planning along with my committee since last November. It was an exhausting, exhilarating and encouraging weekend. I stayed home from church today because I've lost my voice, was wiped out from having two nights of almost no sleep and just feeling icky this morning. I didn't even wake up until around 8:30 and am still not feeling well. As I was sitting here and reflecting this morning about an interesting experience I had at the close of the conference, I was reminded of some truth I wanted to share here. A woman approached me at the end. I knew she was from a particular church and I knew she seemed apart from the rest of the group. She said to me, "I'm so glad that I came and I'll be back for the next one." Then she said something that blew me away. She proceeded to tell me that she has been in recovery the past couple of years and that I was the reason she has stayed sober. Apparently, it was someth...