
Showing posts from December, 2008

Emily's Finished Project

Emily decided for her next sewing project that she wanted to make a lap quilt. So I rummaged through the fabric I had and she picked out what she wanted. She's been busy sewing away here and there for the past month. Today she finally finished it. Here is the front. The back view. I think she did an excellent job for her first major project!

More Cards

I've gotten into the card making swing of things lately. It's so much fun. My goal is to make enough cards for the year so I can use them for all different occasions. Here are some from yesterday: I think this one was my favorite. I'll give you a break from anymore but I wanted to share these.

Thank You Cards

I have a number of thank you notes to write. Today was such a peaceful day and I had some time this afternoon to sit down and make some. They are not as nice as some cards that I've seen others make but these were easy and fun to do. Here are some of them. This was the first time in quite a while that I've had time to just sit and do something enjoyable. I'm definitely going to have to make that a priority more often.

Crafty Things

Now that Christmas is over and everyone has received their gifts, I can post some of the crafty things I've worked on the past few months. It was a table runner theme this year. Here is a back view. This one was from a kit I received from Elizabeth . Back view. I made quite a few table runners using 5" squares. Of course, I forgot to take pictures of some of them. Front Back My goal in January is to finish up a few projects that I didn't get done because of Christmas.

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderfully, quiet Christmas today. I was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night and went back to bed so we had a later start to the day. However, the kids were patient and didn't try to wake me up which was nice. :-) Here are some pictures of their favorite gifts today. Legos are always a big hit. I love her face in this photo! This is what caused all the excitement. It was so nice to stay home and just relax and enjoy the day. It has been a crazy two months so today was definitely a gift. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

The Gift of Giving

Believe it or not, this is the first year my children have ever had their own money to go Christmas shopping. Usually, we give them each some money and they hit the dollar store to purchase gifts for each other. This year the boys earned money fixing up the building next door and Emily had some money she earned helping me around the house. They were so excited to go out today and get their shopping done. Nathan made a comment to me that warmed my heart. He said, "Now I know how you and Dad must feel when you buy gifts for us." "It's exciting being able to think about what you want to buy someone and use your own money to buy it." He also said, "I can't wait to see everyone's faces on Christmas day." Emily was skipping by me in the store and said, "I love shopping for others with my own money!" They really understood the joy of giving to others. It was amazing for me, as their mother, to see the excitement and happiness in thei

White Christmas

My children have been wanting snow for about a month now. All they talk about is having a white Christmas. We had our first snow storm yesterday and got about 6 inches of snow. There is another major storm coming through tonight and tomorrow. I could of gotten a prettier view but that would of meant that I had to go outside. This was how I found Stephen; laying face down in the snow. I guess he's happy. :-) Of course, we're supposed to get a nor'easter tonight and tomorrow which will mess up my children's Christmas program at church. I'm going to have to come up with Plan B. At least the kids got their wish!

Christmas Caroling

We took the girls from 3D Girls caroling last night and they had a great time. It was freezing! This year I got smart and called a few people ahead of time so they were prepared for us to come and one of the ladies from our church even had hot cocoa and cookies waiting for us. I love doing things like this and our church has done it in the past. It's much more fun with a bunch of little girls though!

Date and Nut Balls

I make these candies every year and they are delicious. Mix 1 cup of chopped dates, 1/2 cup butter, 2 eggs, and 1 cup sugar together in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a slow boil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Let cool and then add 1/2 cup chopped walnuts. And 2 cups rice crispies cereal. Mix well and when cool enough to handle, form mixture into balls and roll in finely shredded coconut. Enjoy!

Beautiful Flowers

Look what Dan brought home for me today. Gorgeous flowers! A beautiful bouquet of roses Christmas Ivy He is so thoughtful............ and thrifty. They were actually leftovers from a funeral he did. LOL!!!!! I knew I love that man for a reason.

Blessing in the Mail

I received a couple of surprises in the mail from Elizabeth. First, a table runner to put together. Scrapbooking supplies. I love scrapbooking papers to make cards and such but never buy them for myself so this was such a lovely surprise. Isn't she sweet? Thank you, Elizabeth!

How Cute is This?

I watched my friend's baby yesterday for about an hour and a half and got this picture of her and Emily. Isn't this sweet? Emily loved playing with her. That is until she started screaming! LOL!

Gingerbread Men

I got this recipe at a cookie swap I went to last year and I didn't like the texture of the cookie. So I tweaked it and these ended up being a keeper. In a bowl, combine 2 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. baking soda, 3/4 tsp. ginger, 1/4 tsp. nutmeg, and 1/8 tsp. allspice. In a mixing bowl, cream 1/2 cup butter and 1/2 cup sugar. Blend in 1/2 cup dark molasses and 1/4 cup water. Gradually add dry ingredients to liquid mixture until well mixed. Cover and chill 2-3 hours. Roll dough to 1/4" thickness on a well-floured surface. Cut with your favorite cut-out. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Enjoy!

Christmas Fun

The children made a gingerbread house yesterday from a kit and had great fun putting it together. Of course, there favorite part was eating the candy! Stephen really got into it. She had a mouthful of candy in this shot. The final masterpiece. The funny thing was after they put it together, we were sitting in the living room and heard a crash. The whole thing had fallen apart. Oh well. They had fun anyway and in their minds the whole point was being able to eat the candy. :-)