
Showing posts from December, 2011

2012 Goals

It's that time of the year again when most people set resolutions or goals. I prefer the word, goals because it gives me something to work towards without it being an all or nothing deal. I basically come up with goals based on different priorities and categories I have in my life. Here are my goals for 2012. Spiritual Goals ► Make time each morning for reading my Bible and spending time in prayer. In order to do this, I'm going to keep the computer off until this is done each day. ► Keep a journal of how God is providing for us so I don't forget. Marriage Relationship ► Work on saying 2-3 positive things to my husband each day. ► Have a date night 2 times per month. Health & Nutrition ► Lose 20 lbs. this year. I really must work on this as I haven't been feeling great lately and I know it's because I'm carrying around extra weight. ► Have an intentional exercise time at least 3 times per week. Household Organization ► Make cards for 6 months at a time

Crafty Things - Year in Review

I thought I'd also look back over 2011 and see how many things I got accomplished in the craft department. I can tell that working a full-time job was seriously cutting into my ability to craft because January-June were pretty sparse. Here we go..... January Cards. Table runner. February Valentine Centerpiece. Cards. April Shawl. May Cards. June Centerpieces for Father's Day. July Aprons. Dish cloths. Cards. September Poncho. Table runners. October Burp cloths. Cards. Table runners. Aprons. Napkins. November Table decorations. Aprons. Table runners. Dish cloths. Cards. December Quilt Shirts. Cards. Ornaments. Aprons. Table Decorations. Not too bad, given the unproductive first half of the year!

2011 in Review

Years just seem to fly by lately, especially now that I'm pushing 50! ;-) This year for the second time I decided to look back and review what my year was like. Maybe it will seem more exciting than it actually was that way! LOL!!!! January Dan & I were remarking on what a warm December we've had. No snow at all and mostly in the 40s. By early January last year, we had piles of snow. February Stephen celebrated his 18th birthday. Our church had a Chilefest to raise money for an orphanage in Chile. March The major event in March was a move to the parsonage. No more commuting 12 miles to go to church! April Most of April was settling in to the new house, celebrating our first Shabbat as well as the resurrection of the Lord. May We had two birthdays in May. Nathan's And Emily's. June We celebrated Dan's birthday in June. He ran in a 5K race and came in 2nd in his age group. Our Anniversary. The worst picture EVER!!!! We both look distorted like we are sta