Faithful Servants

I 've spent the weekend with my mom, stepdad, and grandmother and will be leaving to fly home tommorrow evening. I will be leaving with a renewed admiration for my parents. They are 83 and 73-years-old and yet, are caring for my 91-year-old grandmother. I've watched my mom have to dole out medications, give insulin shots and bathe and wipe my grandmother. I've heard the frustration that she feels at times when she has to repeat the same instructions over and over to a woman with dementia and Alzheimer's and give up her freedom to care for another. I've seen my stepdad selflessly give up his space and time and share his home with an elderly woman as he also deals with his own health issues. These two continually amaze me as they could very well say, "This is all we can do." Yet, they are also active in their church. My stepdad is an usher and works at repairing things around the church and christian school the church runs. ...