Some Chit-Chat

Winter has finally hit full force this week and everything is white and cold.  I was thankful for this little splash of color outside my window yesterday afternoon .  My neighbor has numerous bird feeders and these little guys come and go all day long.

My knee is feeling much better though there really feels like something is off in there, so I'm thankful I'm getting an MRI done this afternoon.

My new book, Let's Have Coffee, is so close to being done!  In fact, I should be finished today and then it's ready for publication and should be available on Amazon in about a week.  Then I can check that unfinished project off my list!  I changed the cover and like it much better.

Dan & I are getting ready (mostly mentally) to take a group of teens to Teen Chill this weekend.  This is our denomination's winter camp for teenagers.  I'm not looking forward to the lack of sleep, but am looking forward to spending some time with some wonderful teens, encouraging them.  What would make it perfect if I could come back home and sleep in my own bed each night.  lol

Next weekend, I'm off to North Carolina to visit my mom, stepdad and grandmother.  I'm looking forward to that as I haven't seen them since July.  I wish we lived closer to relatives and it's hard being in the ministry because we rarely get to see either set of parents. Unfortunately, it's one of the costs of ministry with the inability of not being able to travel to see them like we used to do, especially now that it's hard for them to travel.

I have a busy few months coming up so I'm working hard at plugging away at my to-do lists so that I don't get overwhelmed. 

I'm definitely looking forward to spring! :-)  This is just a chit-chat post.  Thanks for letting me ramble on!

Have a wonderful day!


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