Frugal Friday

I went grocery shopping the other day and it was the first time that I went with a list in my hand in quite a while. I've gotten into the habit of running to the store here or there, whenever we are low on something. As I walked in with my list in hand and stuck to what was on it, I realized how easy it is to get off track. We have lived on one income and a shoestring budget for almost 30 years and yet, unless you stay diligent, you can slip up! So I'm back to plugging up those small leaks. I also realized it's been quite a few weeks since I've done a frugal Friday. Here are some ways I've saved the past few days: $ Used my list to shop. It keeps me from impulse buying! $ Made homemade mayonnaise. I went to get mayonnaise out from the fridge the other day and realized we were out. I googled homemade mayonnaise and found a very simple recipe. It took me less than five minutes to make and tasted much better. I ...