
Showing posts from January, 2019

A Look Back at January

Technically there is still one more day in the month, but I decided to take a look back at the month of January and see how I'm doing with the goals I've set for this year. My plan (though don't hold me to it) is to look back at the end of each month so that I can make sure I'm achieving my yearly goals. For 2019 I am aiming for the following: Spiritual Development 1. Continue with daily devotions/Bible reading 2. Study at least 30 minutes a day for consecration exams 3. Pray each day for concerns I have and for God's will in our lives and ministry I've done well on these goals, including the studying for my consecration exam. Each day I pace back and forth in the church and read the questions and my answers out loud. I'm trying to internalize the answers so they will come out naturally when I'm in the middle of the oral exam. Family 1. Connection time with Dan each week 2. Work on communication style with family 3. Li

Multitude Monday

It was a busy week last week, but a good one. I'm finding that my ministry has become more about teaching, writing and speaking than anything else and I'm enjoying that so much. I have to keep reminding myself that studying and writing is "real" work. lol I have a lot to be thankful for today. This week I'm thankful for blessings #3,568 - 3,580 3568. I'm thankful for another year and looking forward to what 2019 will bring. 3569. Beautiful flowers from my husband. 3570. I'm so thankful that Stephen finally got a job. The job market where we live is terrible and because of that there are usually hundreds of applicants for the jobs that are available.  He has applied to about 40 different jobs that he was qualified for without any results. His new job is only part-time, but hopefully now that he has a foot in the door it will become full-time. I am thankful that it fits what he wants to do as well which is working with people to help them. 


Carla Jo Masterson ~  "Love does not cost anything. Kind words and deeds do not cost anything. The real beauty of the world is equal for everyone to see. It was given by God equally to all, without restrictions."   Deb Caletti ~ “That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable.” Mitch Albom ~  “This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work.” Edith Sitwell ~  “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” Art Smith ~ "Food tastes better shared with the ones you love." Lisa Wingate ~  “Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in yo

Marching Forward

J.R.R. Tolkein ~ “I will not walk backward in life." Today marks my 57th birthday, and as I reflect on where I've come from and where I'm going, I think it's been a pretty good life. It hasn't been easy and there have been difficulties and struggles along the way. I've overcome many things and come through some deep valleys. But I've also had many mountaintop experiences. I don't want to spend my life looking backward and wishing I could re-live different parts of my life. I know many people fall into that trap. I want to look forward along the path and see what God has for me in the future. So as I celebrate today, I'm thankful for the life I've been given. I hope that my future is filled with God's blessings and while I'm not sure of the road ahead I know that if I keep walking by faith it'll be a good one. Time marches on and I'm going to march with it, looking forward to what's ahead! However, w e have a lake

Multitude Monday

Each month I travel an hour and a half away to participate in a Speaking Intensive Workshop. This workshop is made up of pastors and ministry leaders in our district who want to hone their public speaking skills. It's a small group and we offer positive feedback to one another as we speak on a particular topic we are given ahead of time. We have 5-7 minutes to present on the topic. This month the topic was on gifts and one of the other speakers presented it in a way that struck a chord with me. It was on the idea that our trials and struggles are a gift that God gives to us. I know that I often have reflected that God uses our trials to help us grow, but never thought about them being an actual gift-wrapped present from Him. Are the things I'm going through - the hard times, the sad times, and the breaking times - an actual gift from God that He gives me? Are they given for my benefit because through them I am stretched and because He longs for us to grow in faith?  I

Looking Forward

As I've journeyed into this new month, God has given me some reminders that I need to keep looking forward at the new things He is doing, and stop looking back and wishing things were the way they've been. This has happened in different ways - certain scriptures He's guided me to, articles I've read and conversations I've had. Looking forward isn't always easy because I can't see what's coming around the bend in the road. I don't like the unexpected and unfamiliar. I worry and get anxious. But God can't work in a new way if I refuse to budge and keep looking over my shoulder at what's familiar and comfortable. Sometimes I wonder, and people ask me, "Why are you going through the process of consecration?" "What will you be able to do with it?" And I struggle with those questions because sometimes I'm not really sure. I don't know what the future has in store and it's easier to want to slide back to my s

Multitude Monday

As my eyes opened this morning and my brain adjusted to being awake, it took me a few moments to even remember what day it was. And then when my thoughts kicked into gear, I remembered the events of yesterday and felt some of the emotions come flooding back - s adness, anxious thoughts for my eldest child, anger at the unkindness of others.  Nathan texted us from work very upset over a conversation two co-workers who are college students had in front of him. They were talking about people with disabilities who need job coaches. Both Nathan and another young man have one. Nathan's job coach shows up periodically for a short bit just to see how he's doing and these young men didn't necessarily realize that. They were talking about the other person who has the job coach. One of them wanted to know what a job coach was and the other guy sarcastically said, "Well, to put it nicely, it's for people who can't do anything on their own." Then they conti

Frugal Friday

Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ Can anything be so elegant as to have few wants, and to serve them one’s self? I was doing laundry the other day and as I added laundry detergent to the machine I was reflecting on how many of the things I use around here were made my me.  For example, I made the laundry detergent I was using. The apron I wrap around myself was put together with my sewing machine. I churn out delicious meals each night using just a few simple ingredients. I wash dishes with dishcloths that I have crocheted. We take showers with bars of soap I made. Various table runners decorate table tops and again, I sewed them. My hands mixed and kneaded the bread we had for lunch. The jam I spread on it was made with berries I picked and then cooked down into yummy sweetness. I'm so thankful that I took the time throughout the years to learn new skills. Those skills have served me well as I have worked to make our dollars stretch. Those wants we do have, I

Treading Water

The winter blahs have hit and it's a bit depressing in my house these days. There are times when I feel as if I'm treading water and trying to keep from sinking. There are a number of reasons for this. Some of it is the time of the year it is. I crave sunshine and we get very little of it here during the winter. So there is a perpetual gray blanket over everything. Because my vitamin D levels are fairly low I take a supplement each day. I'm not sure that's necessarily helping with my mood, but it helps with the physical aspects of the deficiency. Because it hasn't snowed like it normally does, I've also gotten out to walk and that helps a bit. Some of the discouragement is for my son who is trying so hard to find work and yet gets rejection after rejection. So he is depressed and anxious which comes often comes out as anger. So we are walking through this depression with him. And then the other night without thinking I squatte