Multitude Monday

It was a busy week last week, but a good one. I'm finding that my ministry has become more about teaching, writing and speaking than anything else and I'm enjoying that so much. I have to keep reminding myself that studying and writing is "real" work. lol I have a lot to be thankful for today.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3,568 - 3,580

3568. I'm thankful for another year and looking forward to what 2019 will bring.

3569. Beautiful flowers from my husband.

3570. I'm so thankful that Stephen finally got a job. The job market where we live is terrible and because of that there are usually hundreds of applicants for the jobs that are available.  He has applied to about 40 different jobs that he was qualified for without any results. His new job is only part-time, but hopefully now that he has a foot in the door it will become full-time. I am thankful that it fits what he wants to do as well which is working with people to help them. 

3571. God continues to stretch me in ways that are hard, but are causing me to rely on Him each day.

3572. Dan and I were supposed to go to an all-day long event on Saturday which would have required us leaving at 5:30 a.m.. However we ended up not going for a couple of different reasons. I'm thankful we didn't because it ended up being a restful day for us both and we got to spend some time with Emily before she left for school.

3573. Being able to make my daughter some of her favorite meals while she was home.

3574. We had such a small attendance yesterday which was disappointing, but I am thankful that even though our numbers were small the worship was wonderful and God's presence was there.

3575. Safety on the road as we took Emily back to college yesterday. We had white-out conditions right before church, but by the time we left in the early afternoon the snow had stopped and it was clear the whole way there and back.

3576. Car rides with my husband. It's one of the few times we get to have uninterrupted time to talk and I'm thankful for our conversation yesterday. 

3577. Sound sleep last night. I was up at 4 a.m. yesterday and once I went to bed I didn't wake up at all until 6:30 this morning.

3578. A gentleman who comes and plows us out. I didn't even realize it had snowed last night until he showed up this morning. We got about 6" overnight.

3579. A steaming hot cup of coffee. 

and finally...

3580. I'm thankful that God is using all of the things I love most and wrapping them all up in what feels like a wonderful gift.


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