When Messiness Turns Into a Multitude

Life is messy and hard and sometimes, chaotic. It is a constant struggling and clawing and striving to move three steps forward, just to go two steps back. And it's easy to say, "Enough!" "I want off this merry-go-round." And when you add other people's mess into your mess it is a giant pot of "ick". Being in ministry is challenging at times because people are broken and bruised. Some are hard around the edges and hold you at arm's length, while others are needy and clingy and can drain you of every bit of energy you have. I see patterns of behavior and addictions and chains that are waiting to be broken by Christ's atoning power and yet, people are content to wallow in their sin-soaked filth. Add to the mix my own sinful patterns and nature and it can just be a giant-sized mess. I can't make anyone see the light or break their chains. I can't control anything except my own responses to the...