Being a Helpmeet
Dan & I have been married for 22 years and one of the things I've grown in through the years is viewing myself as his helpmeet. I'm afraid that the beginning of our marriage wasn't always the best Biblical example of a husband and wife relationship. In other words, I ran the show! I am a take charge type person and Dan has a very laid back personality. That didn't always make for the best marital relationship. Twenty-two years later, I'm still a take charge person and he is still laid back. The difference is that I've learned to reign it in and get his opinion and try to actually take it! He has learned to step up and lead. I still have a tendency to run the show, but I've gotten a whole lot better! Last week we ran into a mini-crisis. We found out that as of the end of December our financial situation will change substantially and Dan is going to need to find a part-time job because the church will not be able to pay him as a full-time pastor.