Thank God for Fridays!
I've loved being able to reflect on things I'm thankful for on Fridays. It is wonderful to praise our Lord. I know when I do I can just feel my spirits lift. Some weeks it's harder to think of things to praise Him for or to be thankful about, yet when I start to think about it, I end up coming up with quite a few. 2 Samuel 22 ~ 47 "The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior! ~ I've been subbing a lot the last two weeks and I realized yesterday that is going to help us tremendously at Christmas time. I never can do any shopping ahead of time because of dh's pay schedule and the total lack of extra funds. This will allow me to get what we need a lot earlier. ~ Our wonderful church family surprised us with a lunch last Sunday for pastor's appreciation month. It was very moving, especially given all we've been through the past 6 months. ~ I was talking to a teacher yesterday about Nathan and lamenting a bit at his late diagn