Thank God for Fridays!

I've loved being able to reflect on things I'm thankful for on Fridays. It is wonderful to praise our Lord. I know when I do I can just feel my spirits lift. Some weeks it's harder to think of things to praise Him for or to be thankful about, yet when I start to think about it, I end up coming up with quite a few.

2 Samuel 22 ~

47 "The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior!

~ I've been subbing a lot the last two weeks and I realized yesterday that is going to help us tremendously at Christmas time. I never can do any shopping ahead of time because of dh's pay schedule and the total lack of extra funds. This will allow me to get what we need a lot earlier.

~ Our wonderful church family surprised us with a lunch last Sunday for pastor's appreciation month. It was very moving, especially given all we've been through the past 6 months.

~ I was talking to a teacher yesterday about Nathan and lamenting a bit at his late diagnosis and the fact that perhaps because he is doing so well, we should of put him in school earlier. She reminded me that the timing may not have been good until now. Of course, I know it's the Lord's timing. His teacher just got hired last year and has worked with autistic kids for years. The teacher I was talking to said she is a wonderful teacher.

~ This absolutely gorgeous time of the year in the Northeast with the trees ablaze with color. It is my favorite time of the year and I'm so thankful that the Lord created all the different seasson!

Okay, it's your turn. Lift up those praises! Have a blessed day.


  1. Ok - this may sound odd but you know me I AM odd :)

    I have become even more aware that God is most definitely with me.

    Does that sound odd?

    It's just throughout all the bad times lately I have felt no fear just a wonderful peace and calm.

    So for that I give thanks.

  2. I am thankful that business has picked-up the past couple of days for my husband and that although things are tight right now, we are paying the bills on time!


  3. That is wonderful, Nadine. :-)

  4. I miss the upstate NY fall season because of all the fibrant colors. We have color but not as brilliant as they are in the Northeast. Take a picture for me, would you?



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