
Showing posts from April, 2011

Challah Bread

I made challah bread for the first time last week and thought I would share the recipe here. It was very easy to make and it is delicious. Ingredients 2 1/2 cups warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C) 1 tablespoon active dry yeast 1/2 cup honey 4 tablespoons vegetable oil 3 eggs 1 tablespoon salt 8 cups unbleached all-purpose flour Directions 1. In a large bowl, mix yeast with warm water. Beat in honey, oil, 2 eggs, and salt. Add the flour one cup at a time, beating after each addition, graduating to kneading with hands as dough thickens. Knead until smooth and elastic and no longer sticky, adding flour as needed. Cover with a damp clean cloth and let rise for 1 1/2 hours or until dough has doubled in bulk. Punch down the risen dough and turn out onto floured board. Divide in half and knead each half for five minutes or so, adding flour as needed to keep from getting sticky. Divide each half into thirds and roll into long snake about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Pinch the ends

Good Friday Shabbat

Last night we decided to try something much different than we were used to. We had a Shabbat meal to celebrate Good Friday. I'm so thankful for a husband who lets me try new things! It turned out to be one of the most memorable nights we've had in a long time. I tried to make the table look very special and pulled out the best china, candles and table decorations. Friends joined us. Of course, we teased them that if they knew what they were in for they may not have come! I read scripture and then lit the two white candles - observe and remember. We then went around the table and each of us took time to share what we appreciated about each other. It was a wonderful way to speak a blessing over each person. Dan then read the account of the last supper and we said a blessing over the challah bread and wine. In our case, we used sparkling cider. We then sang the benediction. Then we ate the meal in courses. It took almost two hours to complete and it seemed to be a much be

Problem Solved

Every day at around the same time, I get asked the same question. "What's for dinner?" Normally, I don't mind answering but after being asked over and over again by four different people it gets old. Multiply this by 19 1/2 years than you know why I'm ready to pull my hair out some days. I've taken to answering the following way. "Mom, what's for dinner?" "Food." "What kind of food?" "Good food!" "No really, Mom." "What's for dinner?" So as I was putting up wall hangings the other day, I had a brilliant idea! Here is my solution to the problem of what is for dinner. I've also started adding a verse every day that we can focus on. So far it's been great! No more questions. Problem solved!

Gardening 2011

Yesterday started the first day of our Spring break. I've gone back and forth the past few months about whether I was going to actually do a garden here this year. We just moved in and have enough to do with unpacking and adjusting to a new place. However, with the cost of food going up I decided to go ahead and start one. I had toyed with the idea of raised beds, but the reality is that we do not have discretionary funds to play with. So I have to do it the cheapest way possible. So yesterday the boys started digging for me. They ended up making a plot that is 385 square feet. It's not huge, but it is a start and I figure we can always expand it next year. It was a big job, because they basically removed just the top layer of grass with the shovel. We don't have a rototiller so today they are going to go out and turn over the soil. Again, I don't have money for fencing and deer are a huge problem here. I've also seen a stray bunny or two hopping around. So

Multitude Monday

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" This has been a verse I have clung to for my oldest. For years I've worried about him and have been anxious for his future. His reading and math skills are minimal. His writing skills are non-existent. As an individual with autism, his social skills were horrendous. I've been concerned over his future and even though I know God is in control, it is difficult at times not to be concerned for him. About a year and a half ago, he joined the volunteer fire department. Dan & I just assumed that this was another obsession. He talked incessantly about the fire house and all he was learning. All of the sudden, he had friends calling him. For someone who never had a friend in his entire life, this was a big deal! He took and passed Scene Support Operations, Firefighter One and Wildland Search and Rescu

My Head is Spinning

I know this blog has been quieter lately and most of it is because my life got crazy in the space of a week. I started back to work this week and it's been a good week but it seems like everything under the sun was crammed into the school day. There has been an open house, an Easter party, parent-teacher conferences and all sorts of other things. We are down to one car so we have to shuffle things around. This also means that most days I've had to go to work an hour early and leave later. I feel so much better, but I've been so tired at the end of the day that I'm heading to bed at 8:30 or 9:00. Then at 5:00 a.m. I start all over again. Stephen is on the track team and Emily is in the school musical so their lives have gotten busy at the same time. This coming week is our Spring break and I'm looking forward to getting boxes unpacked and trying to make some normalcy in our lives.

Multitude Monday

II Corinthians 5:7 ~ For we live by faith, not by sight. This week I've been reminded of this over and over again. I've heard the small voice of the Holy Spirit whispering it in my ear as I've struggled with my attitude all week. I've heard it in small reminders of how the Lord provides for us. I've seen it lived out in friends who are missionaries overseas. Faith and not sight. Faith that believes God will meet all our needs when sight cannot see a light. Faith that knows the Lord is working in our church and community when sight tells me differently. Faith that hopes when sight brings discouragement. Faith that believes God's hand is in our circumstances when sight feels His absence. So, this week as I count my blessings I am remembering that I live by faith and not by sight. I'm thankful for Blessings #321-335 ♥ Finally feeling better after a week of recuperating at home. ♥ Getting a new appreciation for the denomination we belong to. ♥ A time of

Menu Planning

Someone asked me to post a menu based on what I got with my budgeted money. Unfortunately, this week's breakfasts have been nothing but cereal. It's been hard to muster up the energy to make breakfast as I'm still sick. Generally, I do have a different type of breakfast. Monday B - Cereal, juice L - at school (I do make Emily's lunch as she hates the school lunches) D - Someone brought dinner for us Tuesday B - Cereal, juice L - at school D - Italian sausage soup, French bread Wednesday B - Cereal, juice L - at school D - Homemade pizza (mushrooms and spinach on one; onions and red and green peppers on the other), tossed salad Thursday B - Cereal, juice L - at school D - Pork chops with homemade shake & bake seasoning, oven fried sweet potatoes, steamed mixed vegetables, homemade biscuits Friday B - Homemade onion bagels, cream cheese, juice L - at school D - Pork stir fry with veggies, rice, tossed salad Saturday B - Scrambled eggs, ba

Grocery Budget

Prices have been going up so much lately and it's been difficult to keep my grocery budget under control. One store that I did most of my grocery shopping at was Aldi. They are really the cheapest around, but the nearest one is 35 miles away. Since gas prices have also gone through the roof, we have decided to start shopping at the local store that is 2 miles up the road. One way that I've tried to manage the budget is to take out cash and use that. The other day I took $75 cash out and decided to see what I could get for the week with that. Here is what I came home with: 2 - 8 oz. packages of cream cheese 1 gallon 2% milk 1/2 gallon orange juice 10 bags of frozen veggies (all kinds) 2 boxes of cereal 2 boxes of Sazon seasoning 1 bag of pretzels 3 cans of chunk white tuna 1 - 5 lb. package of pork sirloin 2 packages of breakfast sausage 1 - 12 oz. package of all natural bacon 1 package of sliced smoked turkey 1 whole chicken 2 lbs. onion 1 fennel bulb

Multitude Monday

This is the view out my bedroom window. It reminds me constantly of all that the Lord has done and is doing in our lives. I have to be honest and say that it was a struggle for Dan & I to move to the parsonage. When our church plant merged two years ago with this new church, we had made the decision to stay where we were. We had just moved there and we loved the house we were in and were comfortable there. However, as a friend reminded me, God often does not want us to get too comfortable in this life. Dan & I chose to go into the ministry because we felt God's call on our lives. We knew that it would require sacrifice and that we would have to go without many of the pleasures that so many take for granted. Things like vacations, fancy cars, the latest gizmo, and other extras. We accepted that and were willing to make that sacrifice. However, without even realizing it, I allowed myself to get too comfortable where I was. I started to get attached to a "thing.&


Whether I want to or not, I've been told to, "STOP!" I've had a horrible cough all week and have felt miserable. Today I went to the doctor who ordered a chest x-ray. I have pneumonia. So, the boxes will have to remain unpacked. The curtains still not put up and things in a general disorganized mess. I need to take it easy for a few days. There is nothing worse when my plans interfere with my body's plans! :-)