Problem Solved

Every day at around the same time, I get asked the same question. "What's for dinner?" Normally, I don't mind answering but after being asked over and over again by four different people it gets old.

Multiply this by 19 1/2 years than you know why I'm ready to pull my hair out some days. I've taken to answering the following way.

"Mom, what's for dinner?"


"What kind of food?"

"Good food!"

"No really, Mom." "What's for dinner?"

So as I was putting up wall hangings the other day, I had a brilliant idea! Here is my solution to the problem of what is for dinner.


I've also started adding a verse every day that we can focus on. So far it's been great! No more questions.

Problem solved!


  1. Well, that is really brilliant!! Such a good idea.

  2. HA! HA! HA! Great idea, Mom.


  3. I laughed when I read your response to their question on what is for dinner...for I give the same one! :)


  4. Fantastic idea...Also, a good way to memorize scripture.


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