
Showing posts from August, 2014

Summer's End

  The end of August has arrived and it's hard to believe that autumn is just around the corner.  Yet, there is a definite nip in the air the past few days.  Apples are ripe and ready to be picked.   School events have already started.  Emily has had tennis practice every day for the past two weeks and played her first match yesterday.  School officially starts on Wednesday.  We take Stephen to college tomorrow.   My kitchen is lined with canning jars, full of summer sunshine and goodness. Soaps and candles are being made in autumn scents.    I've purchased autumn gift items for the shop. Fall is my favorite season!  Apple and pumpkin pies, corn husks, pumpkins, yellow, gold and orange colors.  I love it all. Too bad I know what's coming next.  lol Have a blessed day!

Plan Your Work and then Work Your Plan

I have a list about a mile long of things that need to get done here, at church, to get Stephen ready to leave for college on Sunday, and to get ready to open a new business.  There have been a few moments of panic and thinking, "How in the world am I going to get all this done.  However, I have a list and have been working my way down it. Many times people comment at how much I get accomplished in a day.  I think a lot of the reason for that is I've tried to follow the adage, "Plan your work and then work your plan."  Every day when I get up, I have a to-do list of things that I want to accomplish.  It's a rare day that I get everything done on my list, but I strive to be as productive as I can be. I mentioned recently that I was reading a book by John C. Maxwell called "Today Matters."  One of the things he discusses in the book is prioritizing your life.  He shares a story of an executive who wanted his company to be more productive and hired

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Isaiah 26:3-4 (NLT) ~ You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. Are things spinning out of control in your life?  Are you in turmoil today?  Do you continually dwell on whatever problem you are facing? Do you need some peace?  There is a solution to that.  Keep your eyes and thoughts fixed on the Lord.  When we are struggling with something or facing a huge obstacle or crisis it is so easy to dwell on it and mull it over and over in our brain.  We focus so much on the problem that it becomes even larger.  Yet, the Lord promises us that He has a solution for our anxiety.  He will give us perfect, complete and ongoing peace if we trust Him.  And it's not just trust but we also need to take our eyes off the problem and plant them firmly on the Lord.  Then, and only then, will we get the peace we desire. Facing health issues.....think about the Lord and

Cinnamon-Swirl Bread

  I decided to share a recipe today.  I've been making bread for our local farmer's market and doing fairly well.  Each week I sell anywhere between 11-13 loaves. Cinnamon-Swirl bread is one of the new recipes I tried and I love it.  Of course, anything with cinnamon in it is a keeper. :-)  It has cinnamon-sugar swirled throughout the loaf and is very tasty. Cinnamon-Swirl recipe. 1 package of yeast 1/4 cup lukewarm water 2 cups milk, scalded 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup shortening 2 tsp. salt 7 1/2 to 8 cups of all purpose flour 2 eggs 3/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 Tablespoons cinnamon soft butter Dissolve the yeast in the water and set aside. In a pan, scald the milk and then in a large mixing bowl pour it over 1/2 cup sugar, shortening, and salt. Stir to dissolve sugar and then let cool until lukewarm. Add 3 cups of the flour; mix well. Stir in the yeast and eggs; beat well. Add enough of the remaining flour to make a soft dough. Turn out on a lightly floured surface and kn

Rise and Shine!

Rise and Shine and give God the glory, glory! Do you remember that little chorus?  I love getting up before everyone else is stirring, sitting on my deck and just giving Him praise for another new day. A day to live my life for Him.   A day to love on my husband and children. A day to be productive and busy. A day to start over. A day to just enjoy each moment as it comes my way. Mondays generally are a day that people grumble their way through.  I love Mondays.  Mondays are marvelous.  Mondays are magnificent.  Mondays are full of a multitude of blessings! This week I'm thankful for blessings #2166-2170. 2166.  Beautiful tomatoes from the garden.  This is the first year in a long time that I haven't dealt with blight or blossom end rot. 2167.  Friends who love and support me. 2168.  Hearing my son's testimony in church yesterday. 2169.  A daughter who makes me smile every day. 2170.  Meeting a new friend and connecting immediately. 2171.  A

Changing Seasons

The other day I noticed a few leaves starting to change as a reminder that autumn is on it's way.  I love living in the Northeast with four separate and distinct seasons, and fall has always been my favorite season. We have separate and distinct seasons in our lives too, don't we?  Dan and I are entering a different stage in our lives and it's definitely been an adjustment.  We have a young adult living with us full-time.  Our middle son, Stephen, leaves for college next Sunday and that will be an adjustment for us as he has been here for the past 3 1/2 months.  Emily is beginning 10th grade. I'm proud of who my children are and how they are growing, not just physically but spiritually.  They have always had a strong desire to live out their faith and even though they fail at times, like all of us, they keep striving to do that. Nathan works hard at Walmart and the fire department.  He struggles with so many things and every day is a challenge for him.  He'

Make it a Good One

I'm reading a book by John C. Maxwell entitled Today Matters .  In it he discusses 12 daily practices to be successful.  The thing that has struck me the most in the book is the need to make the most of the day you are in.  So much of our lives are sent in wasteful, worthless pursuits.  Most of us live reactionary lives instead of living a life of preparation and planning. Today is the only day you may have.  Make it a good one. Today I plan on working in the shop, getting it ready for my opening on September 3rd. Processing the mountain of tomatoes from my garden. Making nutritious meals for my family.   This was last night's dinner - chard, garlic and parmesan bread as well as pepperoni bread and salad. Making items for the shop. Spending time with this beauty.   Those are just a few things for today.    Today matters.  Make it count.  Make it productive.  Make it a good one!


  Today is going to be a day spent puttering around the house.  Okay, not really puttering because I have a thousand things to do.   I have veggies to process. A house to straighten up and clean.  Right now I have a large sign for the shop sitting in my living room, and two dining room sets (one that's staying and one that's going).      I have soap and candles to make, as well as cards.  I have a vendor contract to come up with.  I have meals to make for my family.   I better start puttering if I'm going to accomplish anything today!

Living Life to the Glory of God

  I belong to a message board and one of the sections on it is Living Life to the Glory of God.  I love the title because that is really what it's all about isn't it? Living our lives for God's glory. Yet so many live for their own desires and gratifications. They live for their own accolades and glory. They give very little thought to what God wants for their lives. And before I get an amen, I'm talking about believers. We have a tendency to point our finger at the world, and forget that there are four fingers pointing back at us when we do that.  What about those who profess Christ? Do we come to Him before we make a decision? Do we think if our words (ahem....gossip and criticism) please Him? Do we give God much thought at all, other than to go to church on Sunday? How much time do we spend reading His word and prayer? Do we throw a few minutes His way but spend hours on the internet, in front of the television or on the telephone?  Are your lives pro

Stepping Away

(Emily took this photo)  It's been a whirlwind week and I'm feeling the need for some peace and tranquility.  The only way that is going to happen is to actually get away this weekend.  Fortunately, we are off to visit family and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.  Of course, it's not exactly going to be peaceful! ;-)  But, it will be restful. Sometimes I move faster than my brain and I need to slow down, and think a situation through the whole way.  I need to just calm myself and let the rational side of me catch up so it can take over the emotional me.  And no, that doesn't mean anything is wrong but I've been on this rollercoaster the past week and I need to get off!  :-) Enjoy your weekend and I'll be back on Monday!

Drips and Drabs

Here are a few drips and drabs of my days recently.     Made peppermint citrus sugar scrub for the shop.   I have a new soap mold and I came up with the perfect blend of oils to use in each bar.  I love it!  Turns out a perfect bar of soap each time. Pumpkin Spice Soap. Cinnamon Sugar Soap with Oats. Apple McIntosh with Oats. I have a new sign, ready for my first day which will be September 3rd. There is a manikin in the shop that I can use to model my aprons.  It's so nice to take a picture of the apron this way instead of it just laying over a couch!  Ignore the mess in the background.  I'm in the process of moving some things out, rearranging and bringing in new vendor items.   All set up at the farmer's market.  I sold 11 loaves of bread on Monday and gave the remaining bread to our neighbors.  It's been going well!  I decided to make one day a week bread day a the shop.  People will be able to stop by and pick up a freshly ma

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Ephesians 6:10-18 ~ "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kind

Just a Few Minutes

I have a list a mile long to accomplish and what do I do instead?  I sleep until 10 a.m.!  That is unheard of people.  Actually I couldn't sleep, was up at 5, had a cup of coffee and at 6 a.m. decided to lay back down for just a few minutes.   I really wish I hadn't lay down for those "few minutes" because I had terrible dreams. I find that everything that's on my mind makes it way into my dreams.  So guess what I dreamed about last night? "Opening a business." "Failing at a business." "Uh-oh, am I doing the right thing?" "What if this sinks us?" "What if this happens.? What if that happens?" And on and on.  It ended with me waking up with knots in my stomach, a headache and feeling like I'm going to burst into tears.  And all because I had to lay down for just a few minutes.

Super Moon, Super God, Super Exciting Happenings

I happened to glance out our window last night to see the Super Moon rising above the church roof and I ran out to get a shot.  It was so beautiful and once again, I was reminded of how we serve a super God.  He is a God who created such beauty on a grand scale and yet, cares for the intimate details of my puny, unimportant life.  That's is awesome!  He knows the desires of our hearts and often, gives those to us. Which leads me to the super exciting happenings of my life! One of the my dreams, from the time I was a young teen, was to own a little shop.  When I was younger we lived above a Christian bookstore and gift shop that was run by my church.  I loved going down there and hanging out and imagining that I owned it.  I've always envisioned a cross between a gift shop, book store and little country store.  Of course, money is tight and that just seemed like it would never happen so I just kept thinking, "Someday."  Well guess what? Someday is here!  The

Silver Threads: Weaving Godly Wisdom into the Lives of Younger Women

When I was a young woman and newly married, and later as a new mother, I wish I would have had an older woman to guide me and offer me some advice in marriage.  I imagine that many of the mistakes I made along the way could have been avoided if I had a Godly, older woman in my life to come along beside me and show me the way. The Bible is very clear that the older women are to set an example for younger ones, but often it's hard to find spiritually mature, older women and especially those willing to do this.  But it is so important for younger women to have someone they can look to for advice, guidance and counsel. My friend, Kate Megill , has just written a book about this very subject.  I've known Kate for about 15 years and she truly does have the gift of offering wise counsel.  I know she has helped many women through the years, and she most certainly has helped me from time to time.  I've never known her to offer any advice without first praying about it and we

Frugal Friday

Many people view summer as a lazy type of season, but for me it seems to always be so busy.    There are vegetables to process, canning to be done, and fruit to pick.  I'm busy from morning until night canning, preserving, picking and pickling.  I'm not complaining because as a friend said to me, "Busy is good!" And she is right.  I love being productive.  There are those times when I need to just sit and rest and maybe watch a movie, but I would hate to do that all the time.  I love the feeling at the end of the day when I fall into bed, tired from a productive day.  I love seeing my growing pantry shelves.  I enjoy sitting back and looking at a garden patch I just weeded and seeing the neatness of the rows.  Okay, that last sentence made me laugh because my garden looks anything but neat right now. I also love how I can be the most frugal in the summer because of the abundance of fruit and vegetables.  I'm able to truly stretch that budget and see th

Create and Inspire

   When we went to the 1,000 Islands the other day, I saw this flower garden that some of the community children had planted.  I really liked what it spelled out - create and inspire.  One of the things I love to do is create.  Years ago I thought that I had to be a wonderful painter or be talented at drawing or some art form to be considered creative.  However, I'm discovering that creativity is shown in many ways.   There is creativity in baking a pie and presenting it in a beautiful glass dish.      There is creativity when I take a handful of berries I picked for free and bake them into beautiful breakfast muffins.   There is creativity when I use my camera to get just the right shot, using lighting and bokeh. I am showing creativity when I take a recipe and tweak it and make it my own (chard, garlic and parmesan bread and pepperoni bread).   There is the creativity that happens with my sewing machine. I am creating when I pen a blog po

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

This year's theme of our denomination's group, Great Commission Women is Tell Me a Story .  This is a bit from a devotional I shared at our leadership retreat last weekend.  Colossians 4:2-4 (NIV) ~   Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.  And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.   Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. When my children were little they loved it when I would tell them a story.   Sometimes it would be a Dr. Seuss book, other times it would be an animal story and still others a fairy tale.   One of the things they loved is that I would really get into it and become the character in the book.   I would play the part of each character, changing my voice to match.   I would get giggles and rapt attention.   They would beg for me to read it to them again and again.   I would finally have to just close the book and say, “No more ton

A Heart of Wisdom

I faced a dilemma this week.  My inlaws were coming for a visit on Saturday and were staying through this morning.  They wanted to go to the 1,000 Islands yesterday since my mother-in-law had never been and they specifically wanted to go on  boat tour of the islands. The dilemma came because Mondays are also the day of the farmer's market I participate in and I knew that this particular one was going to be well-attended.  It's National Farmer's Market Week and there were a lot of extra activities to draw people out.  So I decided that I was going to stay behind and attend the market since I would probably do well. However, I began to feel torn and the thought that kept going through my mind was, "When I look back on my life am I going to regret not selling things at the market or not spending time with my aging inlaws?"  So I ended up forgoing the market to go off on an adventure and I'm glad I did. Psalm 90:12 (NLT) ~ Teach us to realize the b