Just a Few Minutes

I have a list a mile long to accomplish and what do I do instead?  I sleep until 10 a.m.!  That is unheard of people.  Actually I couldn't sleep, was up at 5, had a cup of coffee and at 6 a.m. decided to lay back down for just a few minutes.  I really wish I hadn't lay down for those "few minutes" because I had terrible dreams.

I find that everything that's on my mind makes it way into my dreams.  So guess what I dreamed about last night?

"Opening a business."

"Failing at a business."

"Uh-oh, am I doing the right thing?"

"What if this sinks us?"

"What if this happens.? What if that happens?"

And on and on.  It ended with me waking up with knots in my stomach, a headache and feeling like I'm going to burst into tears. 

And all because I had to lay down for just a few minutes.


  1. Sounds familiar, sometimes when we can't sleep that's the best time to stay awake and pray in the quietness. I read one of Joyce Meyer daily devotional, that it is better to try and fail, than not try and have regrets. I am sure you will have times of doubt, but if you give it to God and pray in all things he will guide your path x


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