
Showing posts from December, 2018

On the Seventh Day of Christmas: A New Year and a New Word

Each year for the past several I've prayed and thought about what my focus for the new year will be. This year as I was thinking about it, the following word popped into my head along with a scripture. Over the past couple of months it has occurred a number of times. One night I woke up from a sound sleep with the scripture running through my head. T he other morning, the word popped into my head again.  So I think it's pretty clear what my word for 2019, along with my theme verse should be. And it's something that I do see as needing improvement in my life.  Diligence: careful and persistent work or effort 2 Timothy 2:15 -  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. I usually work hard, but not so diligently or persistently. I especially feel the necessity of doing this spiritually as I prepare for consecration. My oral examination will be taking place in October, and

On the Sixth Day of Christmas: A Look Back on My Word for 2018

A few years ago I started this activity at the beginning of each year where I pray and think about a word I want to focus on for the year. It's been a neat thing to do as it gives me an overall theme or focus for the coming year.  The word for 2018 was more . I wanted to see more of God's work in my life and less of me. I posted that and then ashamedly went on my merry way without too much thought about it. Once in a while, it would come to mind but I didn't think I was putting too much effort into it. In fact, I haven't even had that word in my head for the past few months until I looked back on it the other day. But God in His graciousness, took me at my word (no pun intended). He did indeed begin the process of helping me to decrease so He could increase. I may not have done much about it, but He certainly did.  As I've mentioned a few times 2018 has been a rough year. It has been a year of being knocked down from time to time. A year of being humbled,

The Fifth Day of Christmas: A Look Back

I always enjoying looking through the photos from the year and reminiscing over some of the things that took place during that year. Here is a look back at 2018. January I started the year as a licensed worker with the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and began the long 24-month process of consecration. We also endured snowstorm after snowstorm. February I was officially appointed as Disciplemaking Ministries Director in our church. The month also included taking our teens to our district's teen winter retreat. March March was mostly full of church ministry. I s tarted a youth group with 9 teenagers, and continued our 3D Kids program. I o rganized a community Easter egg hunt and craft day. T he children from 3D Kids participated in Palm Sunday. I also participated in a community farmer's market. April April was a busy month between Easter and organizing our district women's retreat. Finally, spring started to show signs of actu

On the Fourth Day of Christmas: Christmas Crafting for 2019

I very rarely do any crafting for myself. Generally it's a sewing project to sell, or for a custom order, or I'm crafting for some event. I think maybe once or twice a year I'll make something for our home or myself. I'm under the weather with a flare-up of diverticulitis and have been feeling terrible since Wednesday night when it hit. So I haven't really wanted to go anywhere or do much of anything. So yesterday afternoon I put on some Christmas music, took all the cards we received for Christmas, some cardstock and made some gift tags for next year's gifts. They turned out cute and hopefully will last a few years if I can remember to get them off the wrapping paper before we throw it out. I made close to 60 of them and it was very relaxing. Emily sat and chatted with me while she worked on something else. But I'm ahead of things for next year! I did attempt to sew for a bit after that but really wasn't feeling it so gave up after a b

On the Third Day of Christmas: Working in Your Sweet Spot

On this third day of Christmas, I've spent some time in reflection and want to talk about working in your sweet spot. In other words, your gift set. As believers, the Holy Spirit gives us different spiritual gifts, and we are also blessed with certain talents and personalities. The talents and personalities are just the way we are wired. When we come to the point in our life when all three - spiritual gifts + talents + personality are working together, it is sweet! So often though we struggle with finding that place. Some of that is because we try to be something we aren't, or desire to have spiritual gifts we haven't been given, or we try to change our personality and the way God made us. Our worship leader at church has been away the past two weeks, and she will be gone this Sunday as well. When she's not there I step up and lead. The problem is I have a very low voice and I generally just sing harmony. When I choose songs in the key she normally sings, which i

On the Second Day of Christmas: The Festivities Continue

The original meaning behind the twelve days of Christmas song has to do with the fact that from 1558-1829, Roman Catholics were not allowed to openly practice their faith in England. Each one of the gifts mentioned in the song actually have a coded meaning. For example, my true love was Jesus Christ, the two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments and so on. It was a way to help children learn their catechism in a way that wouldn't be discovered. I found that very interesting. I'm thankful that I do live in a country where I can openly express my faith and I hope that never ends!  Now on to the original intent of this post. I want to extend celebration of the holiday by doing a blog post for each of the twelve days of Christmas. Both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were joyous events. It snowed most of the afternoon on Monday so we ended up with a beautiful, white Christmas! Because I was busy with the service, this is the only picture I snagged of t

Merry Christmas!

It's been a wonderful season of preparation here this year. A holiday open house with 35 friends attending, Advent readings at church, Christmas caroling at two local nursing homes, running two services at a nursing home, and batch after batch of Christmas cookies.  The presents are all wrapped and under the tree. I've been just putting a few out each day and it's been fun to watch Emily try and figure out which ones belong to her. The only rule I have is you can touch them so they can't "feel" what they are. lol I made 26 mini-loaves of pumpkin-chocolate chip bread on Saturday and they were given to the families that attended yesterday's service. I came home with an empty basket. :-) Cookies were delivered to our neighbor. Bread is made for tonight's dinner and a friend who lost her husband this year will be joining us tonight.  It's been a good season. I'm looking forward to tonight's candlelight service and reflect

Christmas Countdown

  The countdown is on and there are only 5 days until Christmas. I love the anticipation that comes and even though my children are young adults I've noticed a shift in their spirits the past few days. They are cheerful, they are talkative, and they are underfoot more often! lol I finally, finally was able to get a few gifts and put them under the tree and miraculously when mine went under there others started appearing! It seems as if everyone has been secretively buying gifts. I keep stringing lights everywhere. I love the way they look when the lights are down low and besides, they hide dust pretty well!  Gingerbread cookies went into the oven yesterday and the children in my 3D Kids program decorated them last night and made gifts for their parents. The mood was festive, aka "bouncing-off-the-walls-excited!" However, we did the divide and conquer method and so it wasn't so bad. :-) I'll be trying my hand at royal icing to de

Finding us Faithful

Dan and I struggle with dissatisfaction from time to time on the size of our church. We want to see growth. We want to reach our community with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We want growth because we want to see lives transformed. And yet, growth is slow or at times, non-existent, and not everyone seems to have the same desire in our church.  It's easy to get discouraged. We often think if only we had different personalities, were more driven, or had better leadership skills, people would come. If we had wonderful programs it would grow. Perhaps we aren't praying enough or praying the right way or doing the right things. And that may be true, but there are also many other factors involved. There are times when I want to throw in the towel and cancel a program because we only have a few people coming. Or I think we aren't making a difference. Or I'm just plain tired. And to be honest, there are days when we've both thought maybe it's time to quit church m

"Don't Mess with Christmas!"

It's seven days until Christmas and yikes! Not a gift has been purchased nor even thought about. We have been so busy with different activities that we just haven't found the time to go. Dan and I are planning on heading out on Friday since that's the one day this week he is not tutoring. I don't generally like facing the crowds a few days before Christmas but that's the way it goes this year. My plan to stretch things over the twelve days of Christmas was shot down by my daughter who loves our traditions.  In fact, the conversation went like this when I told her about it. Emily:  "Mom, why would you do that?" "We aren't Jewish!" Me: "Ummmmmm…..I said, let's celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas, not Hanukkah!" 🤣🤣 Emily: "It doesn't matter; why would you mess with Christmas?!!!" So, per her request, I'm not messing with Christmas. It'll be our traditions though they have evolved and change

Multitude Monday

It was a busy week and weekend, but it was an enjoyable one in many ways. I find that when I'm not around people it feels as if all the energy is being sapped from me so having those times of ministry when I'm around others is a good boost for my spirits. T his week I am thankful for blessings #3,517 - 3,530. 3517. I'm so thankful for the kids ministry in our church. We are small, but I am thankful that I get to teach these little ones each week.  3518. I stopped by the shop that started carrying my items two weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised to discover I had quite a few sales already. 3519. A time to reconnect with my husband on Saturday while we ran errands. 3520. Our annual Christmas party with other regional pastors and spouses from our denomination. 3521. Discovering that my aunt used one of my devotional books in her church recently as she gave a message. 3522. Having my daughter home again. 3523. Getting an unexpected check in the mail