The Fifth Day of Christmas: A Look Back

I always enjoying looking through the photos from the year and reminiscing over some of the things that took place during that year. Here is a look back at 2018.


I started the year as a licensed worker with the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and began the long 24-month process of consecration. We also endured snowstorm after snowstorm.


I was officially appointed as Disciplemaking Ministries Director in our church. The month also included taking our teens to our district's teen winter retreat.


March was mostly full of church ministry. I started a youth group with 9 teenagers, and continued our 3D Kids program. I organized a community Easter egg hunt and craft day. The children from 3D Kids participated in Palm Sunday. I also participated in a community farmer's market.


April was a busy month between Easter and organizing our district women's retreat. Finally, spring started to show signs of actually coming. This is also the month that I tore the meniscus in my right knee which slowed my physical activity way down.


The month of May included bookend birthday celebrations - Nathan turned 27 on May 1st and Emily turned 19 on May 30th. Stephen graduated from Nyack College. Emily completed her Freshman year of college. All wonderful milestone celebrations! 

We also went to our District Prayer Conference and I had a speaking engagement at a church on the east side of the state.


The first half of June was busy with events. I flew to Colorado Springs for a national ministry meeting. I organized our district leadership team retreat. My knee was progressively getting worse so our vacation in June mostly consisted of driving to local sights and me hobbling to get pictures. My mom and stepdad came from North Carolina for a visit. We celebrated 30 years of marriage.


July was a weird month. The first week was taken up with a district event. The second week was vacation which really wasn't since it included multiple doctor's appointments and surgery. The rest of the month was recuperating from surgery. 


August was a month of fun and adventure! It was one where I stupidly climbed a mountain 3 weeks after surgery and set my recovery back quite a bit. It was a month of color and nature and adventure. I went back to Colorado for another meeting. Dan and I went on many nature walks. We had a church barbecue. Fun times!



September was back to ministry-as-usual. We had our missions conference and met a new friend. I planned our district annual fall retreat. Church programs began again.


October was about our national women's conference in Lancaster. I participated there as a vendor and enjoyed just sitting and soaking things in for a change. I also participated in a craft fair. We went apple picking as a family.


November was all about craft fairs. I participated in a few of them and it seems as if that is what most of the month consisted of doing. We also went out to Erie to visit Dan's side of the family for Thanksgiving. We decorated for Christmas.


The pervading theme of December was celebration! The celebration of Christ's birth. The anticipation of Christmas. The celebration of friends, family, and faith. It has been a wonderful month and I think one of our best Decembers yet.

It was a busy and full year. This doesn't include a multitude of other meetings, events and activities but I hit the highlights. I love looking back each year and it reminds me of how full my life is and how blessed I am!


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