Thrifty Thursday: Setting a Budget

I haven't done a Thrifty Thursday post in a very long time and I'm feeling the need to get my finances back in order. The move really threw things into chaos and our circumstances have changed somewhat and I don't feel that I have a grip on anything. I've always tried to follow the old adage, "Plan your work and then work your plan." At the top of my to-do list for the new year was setting a new budget. It's so easy to merrily skip along and think things are under control and then all of the sudden, "Bam!" You are out of money. Our financial situation is better in the new church but it is still tight and we also have the added expense of room and board for Stephen, and also trying to help him out with living expenses. One of the first things we have always done when setting up our budget is to give back to God, right off the top. It is so easy to want to pay the bills first and then see what's left over. But we feel it all belon...