Bits & Pieces

This is just a random bits and pieces post, updating those of you who have faithfully prayed for us.  I just want you to know that God is so faithful.  Every single item that I had on my prayer list before we moved here, has been answered. 

Nathan has found a job and he did it without having to go through the agency for the disabled.  He hated using them and I truly wasn't sure how he would do without their assistance on certain things.  But he has been hired by Walmart in receiving. It's 2nd shift, what he was making at his old job and he'll be unloading trucks. Plus they are opening a new store down the road from this one and he was told he will get the first pick of the jobs.  He just has to wait for the results of a drug test they did to come back and then go through an orientation training.

Emily is settling into the new school and making lots of friends. I will be practicing my batting skills since many of the boys also like her. :-)  Her math teacher told us that a young man came into class the other day and said, "Did you see the new girl?"  "She wouldn't give me the time of day!"  Good girl!  We raised her well. lol

We've spoken with Stephen a few times and he is doing well and very happy.  He is getting along very well with the young man he is staying with and it has been really good for him.  It also seems to have helped him refocus on where he wants to go with his life.  

All but one of my boxes are unpacked and put away.  I actually had some time to make cards last night.  It was the first time I crafted since mid-December.

Dan is doing well, thriving with all the activity and enjoying himself.  He was so funny last night because he was happily checking off all the places and people we are meeting with the next 4 days in a row.  He lives to be around people! lol

We've been able to use his day off (the first he's really had in years) to explore the area which is beautiful.  I can't wait to see the lake in the summer when I won't shiver my way through the day.  lol

Often people ask me why I blog.  Some of it is to write, encourage, inspire and reflect.  But much of it is to also journal for myself and my children the faithfulness of God.  

I don't every want to forget to see His hand in all the bits and pieces of my life.


  1. What a happy post! I am so glad that the Lord is with you all the way, and that so many pieces in your new jigsaw are joining together.

  2. I often think of you Terri - how lovely you sound so settled already :)


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