When the Unexpected Pops Up

On Thursday afternoon, just as Dan and I were getting ready to leave for a meeting, we received a phone call from our son. He was sitting on the side of the road with a blown engine in his car. The problem is he lives 3 1/2 hours away.

After back and forth phone calls he called a tow truck and got it towed to a garage. He ended up renting a car and headed here for the holiday. We've been working with him to figure out his next steps because he still owes thousands of dollars on the car which will also take a significant amount to replace the engine. His rent is going up in the new year. His seasonal job ended and he is trying to find something else, but needs a car for that to happen. His car still has not been looked at by the mechanic. It is all more than a little overwhelming.

Long story short, we extended an invitation for him to live here temporarily so he can get out from under all of this. It would save him money on expensive rent and utilities.  The timing was right since his lease is up at the end of December, but we don't have to scramble to get him out of the apartment. Housing is much cheaper in our area so if he decides to stay long term he can find a less expensive apartment. And he'd be closer to family. He's pretty isolated where he lives so when things do happen he's struggling to find help.

It's all unexpected and an adjustment for us all. But once again, God reminded me of my desire for connections this year and this is a way to shower some love on our son. And it's an opportunity for the Lord to work on need to control my environment and schedule. 

I'm thankful we can help him in this way. It's unexpected, but it's a way to bless him. And I'm so proud of how well he has taken all of this. He has remained calm and unrattled. He is obviously disappointed at the turn his life has taken, but has handled it with maturity and grace. He is taking it one step at a time and one day at a time.

I'm proud of how well I'm handling all this too! 😂 This is a a disruption for our life as well and yet, God has given me the grace and ability to be calm and laid back about it all as well.

The unexpected will happen in life and yet, God gives us the ability to readjust and continue to move forward in hope.

Thanksgiving is Thursday and this year I am thankful for the unexpected. Despite how things seem at times, God uses these things to stretch and grow us into men and women who reflect Him. 

Have a happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Oh Terri, my heart goes out to you - we love our kids so much, they are a gift of God to us... But sometimes they get into such complicated situations, and we need wisdom and grace - plus more love, (and often more finance!) to help them. But be strong in the Lord, who will provide and guide. 🙏❤️ May your thanksgiving be truly blessed

    1. Thanks Angela. It is hard to see them struggle. He works so hard and has had a full-time job, plus doing deliveries on the side. He was continuing with the deliveries until he could figure out the other job, but once the car died, he was in a bind. So it really does seem the right thing to do for the moment.

  2. Oh, Terri, so sorry for what has happened to your son. I will be praying for all of you that things will work out. God is with you all. Have a nice Thanksgiving. I know you will even with all the troubles.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  3. So hard for you all. I'll pray that all will work out for you and the family.

  4. What a blessing that he has you-- and that you have him.


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