Crafty Things

I'm sorry to say that my crafting has fallen by the wayside lately. I just have been so totally uninspired! I do find that sales tend to get me moving so obviously, you know how that's going. :-) I did pull out the scrapbooking supplies this week and made some cards. I'm hoping that with the coming of Spring, I'll get more motivated. I do have a ladies retreat coming at the beginning of April and will have some things there. A local store will be carrying my books and crafts and that opens in May. I also am signing up to do a weekly farmer's market here with my craft items and books. So I'm going to have to get a fire going under my rear very soon! :-) I have been working on a new devotional book and it's in the editing process right now. I hope to release that soon. Have you been working on any crafty things lately?