Multitude Monday

Psalm 28:6-8 ~

Praise the Lord!

   For he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and shield.
   I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
   I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.


I frantically tried to stop the pouring out of rice all over the floor.  I had been making a heat pack when one of the seams broke.  Apparently, the fragile seam could only take so much before there was nothing it could do but burst open.  The rice poured out every where and even though I cleaned it up, I wasstill finding grains of rice in the strangest places days later.


Are you bursting at the seams?  Are you so full of thanksigiving that it bursts out of you without thinking?  Is your response to praise or pout?  Do you speak joy or jealousy at another's blessing?  Do you sing thanksgiving or spout complaints?

Be bursting at the seams.  Let joy pour out of you.  Let thanksgiving cascade from your mouth.


Let rejoicing flow out.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #1923-1935.

♥ Creating in the kitchen.

♥ After a month and a half of feeling not particularly happy about things, Emily is starting to feel at home.

♥ Stephen was able to come home 2 days early because of classes being canceled due to a snow storm.

♥ Brothers, reunited.

♥ A wonderful small group.

♥ A Valentine's Day celebration.

♥ Feeling more at ease in our new church.  Transitions are difficult.

♥ Growing in maturity.

♥  A wonderful time of fellowship after church. 

♥  Dinner with friends.

♥  My children.

♥ Nathan getting more hours at work.  He is scheduled for 32 hours this week.

and finally...

♥ Reliance on the Lord.


  1. It takes time to settle in to a new place, new church, new people. I'm glad things are going well.

  2. So pleased that you are all staring to settle into your new home.
    Just wanted to let you know I ordered your books from Am^z*n and they arrived yesterday>


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