
Showing posts from July, 2008

Someone is Happy!

I can tell that we are settling in because Miss Emily is much happier than she was a few days ago. Playing dress-up. Having computer time. Just hanging around!

We Interrupt the Regularly Scheduled Program

Well, projects around the house interrupted the unpacking process today. Emily did some cooking. I had to process a bunch of vegetables that were given to us. The boys trimmed hedges. Then they helped Dan work on a clothesline for me. So while we didn't unpack anything else, we got a lot accomplished - my hedges are trimmed, my clothesline is up, I processed 4 quarts of squash and cut up the vegetables for 6 pints of relish. It was a very productive day!

Mrs. Lacoste's Soup

My friend gave me the recipe for this last year and the children loved it. Emily has called it Mrs. Lacoste's soup ever since. :-) I tweaked it a bit and here is the recipe. Cover 2 large chicken breasts with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until cooked through. Reserve liquid. Cut into bite size pieces. Take 3 large leeks and slice. Rinse until clean. Mince 3 large garlic cloves. Melt a stick of butter (1/2 cup) in a large pot. Saute vegetables until soft. Add the reserved broth and enough water to fill the pot. I add chicken boullion, salt & pepper to taste, and about 1 tsp. of poultry seasoning. Simmer for at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cook bowtie pasta (farfalle) until done. Place 1/2 cup of the bowties in a bowl and ladle the soup over the pasta. I usually serve it with some sort of homemade bread or breadsticks. Enjoy!

More on Frugality

I spent some time last night reading more of my little book, The American Frugal Housewife by Lydia Maria Child in 1828. I wanted to share some with you. Mrs. Child writes, People of moderate fortunes have likewise an unquestioned right to dispose of their hundreds as they please; but I would ask, Is it wise to risk your happiness in a foolish attempt to keep up with the opulent? Of what use is the effort which takes so much of your time, and all of your income? Nay, if any unexpected change in affairs should deprive you of a few yearly hundreds, you will find you expenses have exceeded your income; thus the foundation of an accumulating debt will be laid, and your family will have formed habits but poorly calculated to save you from teh tthreatened ruin. Not one valuable friend will be gained by living beyond your means, and old age will be left to comparative, if not to utter poverty. I find it interesting that this was written in 1828, yet can easily apply t

Overflowing Blessings

Dan & I have been so blessed in the past week by friends. Here are some of the many ways: * New landlord who is a Christian and has been generous to us already. * A new larger home * Friends who helped in little ways - lending us a truck, helping us move, calling us for encouragement. * A large chest freezer that was given to us to use indefinitely. * A free dryer * A used washer that looks brand new for only $150 and the friend who called us as soon as he saw it on someone's driveway. * An offered hedge trimmer to trim the front bushes. * The landlord decided to continue his lawn service for the rest of this summer. This will not require us to have to purchase or borrow a lawn mower. * A huge, beautiful area rug for my living room, given by a friend. * A bagful of squash. * A newer microwave that was given to us. * Because our church moved at the same time, the drums are being stored here in our basement so Nathan can now practice. * A huge basement where I don't have to

Weight Watchers

This has been an interesting week. Dan & I normally walk anywhere from 2-4 miles every day, depending on the busyness of the day. With the move going on we didn't exercise at all this week. However, I certainly did my share of lifting, scrubbing, bending and overall moving. I also didn't have access to the computer for the majority of the week so I did the best I could keeping track of my points in my head. I got on the scale this morning and I've lost 3 lbs. So my overall weight loss is................................. 20 lbs.! I've also lost a total of 10 inches everywhere. I'm down a size which makes me really happy. I'll keep you posted next Sunday.

Enjoying the Sights

I spent some time this afternoon just sitting in the back yard and enjoying my new environment. There were birds. Butterflies. Rhubarb plants. Apple tree Lilies Unknown plant #1 Unknown plant #2 Unknown plant #3 Unknown plant #4 (possibly burning bush)? Unknown plant #5 Any help you can give me on the unknown plants would be helpful. I'm glad I took the time out of the busy day to just enjoy my new surroundings.

I'm Back!

Well, I'm back. The phone was all messed up and they fixed that and I ended up with the internet working as well, even though I wasn't supposed to have access to it until the 31st. We still have some things in the old house but the majority of it is here. It was a stressful move but at least we are in. Half of my kitchen is put together. The other half is not! Looky here, my husband actually has an office! In the old place, he studied in the bedroom. He deserves it because he worked so hard. I know he's tired because he is always energetic but he's been complaining the past day or so that he's exhausted. I love my new outdoor spot. I told my friend, Stephanie that she needs to come and help me identify most of these flowers. The kids love it here! They enjoyed a movie in the new house. We probably have about 3 or 4 car trips still at the old place. Now I just have the task of putting everything away and figuring out where I want e

Panting After God

Your statutes are wonderful, therefore I obey them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. I open my mouth and pant, longing for your commands. Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name. Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me." Psalm 119:129-133 Do you long for God's word more than food? As you go throughout your day are you meditating on His word? I confess that usually that in the busyness of the day that this is not always the first thing on my mind. I think about the Lord and his words but not to the point of figuratively panting. Is the Lord filling the need or hole in your life or is something else doing that? I love verse 133 which says to direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Is sin ruling your life? Gossip? Complaining? Gluttony? Unkindness? Anger? Self-pity? So often I find myself dealing with the same sin ovr and over again. I don

Uncomfortable Feelings

As I've been packing up our posessions, taking down curtains, and weeding through things, I've noticed that my children have been more and more out of sorts. It's nothing major but I've noticed that the bickering level has gone up. They seem to be pacing and don't know what to do with themselves. I know much of this has to do with the fact that their home that they love, have lived in for the past 4 years and where they feel comfortable is being turned upside down. They are no longer little so they can understand why they feel like this but it still doesn't solve the problem. When we had to move and they were little, they would be whiny for days. They would cry and cling to us and generally made it more difficult. They are now 17, 15 and 9 so I'm not getting whining and crying but the general mood in the house is stressed. So, we are working as fast as we can and trying to get things settled in the new house quickly so that we can get over this hu

Michele's Basic Salad Dressing

My mom asked for this recipe last week and I actually forgot until I made it again last night. Sorry, Mom! Here you go. 3 Tbsp. red onion 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup vinegar 1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard 1 1/2 tsp. salt 1 1/2 tsp. celery seeds 1 cup canola oil Put the red onion in a food processor and pulse until minced. Add remaining ingredients and pulse for 2-3 minutes until well mixed. You can vary this recipe in many ways. I use different vinegars and oils and spices depending on my mood. The mustard and onion are the key ingredients because they keep the dressing emulsified.

Weight Watchers

I had another good week at Weight Watchers. In one way it helps to keep busy because I don't think about food, though I have a tendency to just grab something quick to eat and it isn't always the right choice. I got on the scale this morning and I dropped another 2 lbs. for a total of.................... 17 lbs. I've also losted inches everywhere and my clothes fit so much better. I certainly feel good and want to keep going. I'll keep you posted next Sunday!

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise Him with the strings and flute. Praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.