Overflowing Blessings

Dan & I have been so blessed in the past week by friends. Here are some of the many ways:

* New landlord who is a Christian and has been generous to us already.

* A new larger home

* Friends who helped in little ways - lending us a truck, helping us move, calling us for encouragement.

* A large chest freezer that was given to us to use indefinitely.

* A free dryer

* A used washer that looks brand new for only $150 and the friend who called us as soon as he saw it on someone's driveway.

* An offered hedge trimmer to trim the front bushes.

* The landlord decided to continue his lawn service for the rest of this summer. This will not require us to have to purchase or borrow a lawn mower.

* A huge, beautiful area rug for my living room, given by a friend.

* A bagful of squash.

* A newer microwave that was given to us.

* Because our church moved at the same time, the drums are being stored here in our basement so Nathan can now practice.

* A huge basement where I don't have to hear the drums being practiced. ;-)

* A friend who took Emily to the movies with her daughter one day. Another friend who took Emily swimming last Sunday and a different friend who took her this Sunday, knowing that a move is stressful on children.

* Another friend who is selling Nathan a box full of pretty expensive power tools for $50. He knew what makes teenage boys tick!

* Being up at 3:30 in the morning so I have time to reflect on God's blessings. :-)

Last, but not least...

* Our landlord is letting me use an empty building he has next door for 3D Girls this year and is not charging the church any money and is paying to have the place painted!!!

God is just awesome and I had to share these many blessings. It's so easy to look at all the negatives going on but when you start to look for God's blessings in the little things, it's so easy to give Him praise.


  1. Great way to start the week Terri. I think I will go through my house today and do the same thing in some prayer time! Thanks for getting my mind in the right place!

  2. Praise God!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

    I'm just sooo thrilled for you Honey!!

    I hate when people say 'well you deserve it'...we know what we 'deserve'...Praise God he doesn't give it to us though! I think in times like this it is God simply letting you reap what you have already sown over and over again :)

    Praying the blessings just keep rolling!!

    Love You Honey,
    Laura in VA

  3. What wonderful blessings! It is so encouraging when we stop to really reflect on all the ways the Lord is working on our behalf!

    Thank you for sharing all of your overflowing blessings ~ it encourages me today!!

    Have a great day,


  4. How blessed you all are. how the Lord has you in the palm of His hand.
    I'm so glad that all is going well, it truly was a move of the Lord.

  5. Terri,
    There shall be showers of blessings!! Praise the Lord!!!
    I am so happy for you and your family!
    Miriam :)

  6. How wonderful!! So many blessings Terri...praise the Lord!!

    Love, Tina :)

  7. I'm giving Him Praise with you, Terri. God is so good to us and gives us so many blessings that we cannot number. We need to Praise Him more even if we can't see His Blessings at the moment. Thanks for reminding me to Praise Him this day for all the ironing that I have to do! LOL! :)


  8. Wow that is some amazing stuff. I was shocked at first when I read all of it and then I thought about and said oh yeah its God he loves us and cares for us and is jutst amazingly awesome. :) Do glad everything is working out. Tell Emily I said hey.

    Love yall, marybeth

  9. I found your blog link at Sharon's *A Shepherds House* ~

    Thanks for sharing your abundant blessings .... it proves yet again what I already know ~ that God not only provides for our every need but more often than not, above and beyond what we could ever imagine!

    By His Grace,

  10. Dallas,

    I have to ask the obvious...are you a girl? :) My oldest Daughters name is Dallas...and we've never met another one, so I'm sure she'd think that was pretty cool :)
    Laura in VA

  11. Thank you ladies for your wonderful encouragement to me! That is another praise in my life that I really noticed when I didn't have internet access. Being able to connect with other Christian women is a huge encouragement.

    Dallas, welcome! I'm glad you came over for a visit and I hope you'll come back. :-)

  12. Another encouraging post. Isn't God good?!

  13. You must be doing something right! Amazing blessings! I hope they keep overflowing for you. There's a song called my saucer's full. You reminded me of that.


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