
Showing posts from November, 2016

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Psalm 100:4-5 (NIV) ~ Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Let's do an exercise together today.  Get out a piece of paper and a pen and put it somewhere near you today - on  your desk at work, on your counter at home as you cook or in your purse as you travel.  Pray and ask the Lord to show you the many blessings you have in your life, no matter how small.  Each time one pops into your head, write it down.  I guarantee you that at the end of the day your page will be full. So often we go through life either not thinking about the good in our life, or we can't think of anything because we are so focused on the negative.  Let's do this one small exercise together.  Tomorrow as you sit down for your meal, pull out your list and read out those blessings.  You will find that your cup is overflo


When Dan and I were first married he was in seminary.  We didn't own a thing and of course, Dan was attending full-time while I worked full-time.  The few possessions we managed to set up house with were the result of hand-me-downs and wedding gifts.  As we went into a ministry that required us to raise our own support, we still didn't have the means to acquire much.  But we learned to be happy with what we had.  Our furniture was mismatched (still is) and we had a hodgepodge collection of dishes and pots and pans.  But that was okay.  Much of our simple lifestyle was out of necessity but mostly, it's because it is who we are.  We could care less about acquiring material possessions.  Shopping doesn't thrill us and we avoid the mall at all costs.  Going on big fancy vacations isn't our thing.  It's really just the small moments that keep us happy. I've learned the joy of simplicity, and being appreciative for small moments which in the grand scheme of

Multitude Monday - Overflow

Ephesians 2:6-7 (NIV) ~ So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. When I gave my life to Christ at the age of twelve, I wanted to follow Him wherever He led.  I know that it is unusual for a young girl to think that way, but I had a calling on my life to do what He wanted me to do and go where He wanted me to go.  So it's no surprise that a few years later, I heard His voice calling me into ministry.  And so I went off to college and then to seminary where I met Dan.  We spent ten years ministering in the inner city of Paterson, New Jersey and then into church ministry. Throughout the years, my faith roots have grown down deep into the soil as I continue to live out my life for Christ.  But the part of these verses in Ephesians that I sometimes forget is to be overflowing with thankfulness.   Thankfulness sh

Giving Thanks

It's been a busy and full week.  Yet, in the midst of the busyness, I want to pause and remember to say, "Thank you." for all the wonderful things in my life.  The Lord has given me so much and there are many times I forget to thank Him for that.  I take many of those things for granted.  It's been a few weeks since I've done a Multitude Monday post and even though it's Friday, I want to spend a few moments, continuing my counting of blessings.  I have a few people in my life who probably roll their eyes when I post these but I want to be a thankful person.  I want to savor each moment and thing that brings joy to me and makes my heart full. This week I'm thankful for blessings #2801 - 2813. 2801.  I'm thankful for my husband, who is such an encouragement to me.  He intuitively seems to know when I need a pick-me-up.  I came home the other day to a note in the middle of the floor where I couldn't miss it, telling me he loves me. 2802

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Psalm 113:1-3 (NIV) ~ Praise the Lord . Praise the Lord , you his servants;      praise the name of the Lord . Let the name of the Lord be praised,      both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,      the name of the Lord is to be praised. The route I take to get home each afternoon as I leave my shop is a road that runs parallel to Lake Ontario.  As I drive home late in the afternoon, the sky is a canvas of beautiful colors against the darkening sky.  The sunsets here are gorgeous.  I am reminded once again of God's touch on everything, including the beauty of the sky. I was also reminded to have a heart of thanksgiving and praise.  Today, I want to remind you of the same thing.  No matter what is going on in your lives and in our world, we are to praise the Lord.  If you read further in this Psalm, it gives some benefits of giving Him praise which center around His care for His people. Next week is Thanksgiving and we


Anyone who has read my blog for any length of time knows that I am busy, but thrive on activity.  As I reflect back to when I was a teenager and college student, I was often depressed.  And that is because I remember stretches of being bored.  The moment I stepped into the world of full-time ministry, I realized how much that changed because I was no longer feeling bored.  I'm 54 years old and am still learning what makes me tick at times. Emily is in her senior year of high school and Stephen is in his senior year of college.  Nathan is settled into his new job and came home from work yesterday and said, "I really like it there!"  These are all things that make me feel happy, but my role here at home has changed tremendously. I've been struggling, because a lot of the time even though I'm busy I feel isolated.  A lot of my ministry work is on the computer and while I get to chat with people every day online, it's not the face to face relationship th

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

The first thing I did this morning when I woke up was check my phone to see who won the election last night.  I just couldn't stay up that late so had to wait until this morning.  I know that my friends who voted for Donald Trump are rejoicing and my friends who voted for Hillary Clinton are mourning. But one thing that I know, regardless of who is the White House is that we don't have to despair, nor should we put our hope in any man or woman.  Our hope is in the Lord alone no matter who is the leader of this country. Another thing that came to mind is the verses in Ephesians 4:1-6. Therefore I, the prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, accepting one another in love, diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds us.  There is one body and one Spirit -- just as you were called to one hope at your calling - one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father

Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Do you like to talk?  I confess that I generally don't have a problem in the conversation department. :-)  I know some people have less to say and others seem to have an abundance of words. No matter what your personality, do you find yourself doing some of the following things?  Do you love to discuss issues and debate how the church has failed in their mission?  Do you spend hours talking about all the wonderful things you have learned in scripture?  Do you listen intently to the sermon each Sunday and think, "Amen!"  "That pastor was right on!"?  Do you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you do any of the following - tithe, be more faithful in attending a local church, give of your time and spiritual gifts? Here is a harder question.  Do you do it?   If not, than you may be guilty of doing what these verses in James warns against. James 1:22-25 ~  "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to t