Streams in the Desert
Isaiah 43:19 ~ “Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” Chapters 38-55 of Isaiah record how King Hezekiah turned disastrously from the way of faith to the way of works. He has a personal health crisis and he receives a double promise from the Lord – a promise of healing and a promise of deliverance for his city. But having been healed and given a huge sign in confirmation, he turned from trusting the Lord’s promises to seeking deliverance from Assyria by making an alliance with Babylon. So Isaiah pronounces God’s judgment on Hezekiah and basically tells him that since he chose Babylon that is where he will go. But was that the end? Were all the promises of a great coming David (the Messiah) to be forfeited by one wrong choice? No. There is an immediate message of comfort and the Lord’s answer to sin is the revelation of the coming “Servant of the Lord” which we know to be the M