Getting off the Bunny Trails

I find irritating at how easily I hop down bunny trails and off my desire to stay focused. And yet, God is good, and gently reminds me to get back on track.

I keep hopping off course and He pushes me back to the main path. But sometimes I think, "I must exhaust Him!" And of course, God is infinitely patient and kind. But I know I certainly exhaust myself. 😀

This week's "staying on course" has been spent working on an online webinar I'm giving on servant leadership next Thursday, a message I'm preaching next Sunday at one of our district churches and a mission's event I'm organizing that takes place next Sunday afternoon.

I've also been amazed at how God so kindly intercedes and answers prayers. Remember that doctor's bill I mentioned? I called them and it turns out they didn't have the correct insurance information and they told me to disregard the bill. A different financial burden was lifted off my shoulders this week as well. And my son has two job interviews next week and I'm praying that he will find the perfect place that would be a good fit for his needs.

I really shouldn't be surprised any more at how God answers prayers. He does so much more than we can ever ask or imagine. I'm learning to lay those burdens down at His feet and leave them there. And I'm also realizing how much He is working in my life through the hard things.


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