Take Away
Dan and I have spent the past three days at our District Prayer Conference. Pastors, ministry leaders, and men and women from around the Northeastern District gathered together for prayer, encouragement, worship and fellowship. We went non-stop from early morning until late at night, and fell into bed exhausted each night. But it was a good exhaustion. I felt like I was saturated at the end of each day and filled to the brim after hearing from the Lord in the different workshops, messages, and conversations. I came home with a full-blown head cold, and even though I can't breathe through my nose and there is a box of tissues and cough drops by my side, my inner-person has been rejuvenated! Some things I came away with: Be bold - Don't be afraid to share my faith, live out my faith and lead. We need to lead by example. Be enthusiastic - I have noticed a shift in myself the past few years where I have lost some of my enthusiasm for ministry because I've absor