Multitude Monday

As I looked around the church yesterday during worship, I felt hope rise up in me. I have to be honest and say that Dan and I have felt fairly discouraged lately. Church ministry is such a rewarding thing, but it also can be a frustrating thing at the same time. It's been stressful the past few months as our attendance has been the lowest it's ever been. As we've tried to figure out why we know that it's not because anyone has left the church, but it's been a series of different issues.

Some people were out because of serious health issues. Others were traveling. Some are getting older which makes it difficult. We've lost 4-5 young adults as they've gone off to college. Others are afraid to drive in the snow and since it always snows here...well, you see the problem with that. The majority of our men work at either the nuclear plant here or an aluminum plant and do shift work, there are sometimes weeks on end when they are working during church time. And then there are some that just don't come unless they feel like it. It's just the nature of things.

We continue to try and stay faithful and enthusiastic, we plan outreach events and then trust God for the outcome, but there are days when we are feeling a bit depressed. Add the long winter and lack of sunshine to the mix and there are days when I want to throw in the towel.

But yesterday was not one of those days. Spring is on it's way and the sun is out more often. I've been able to get outside and exercise which always revives my spirits. And we had a full house in church yesterday. One of the things our worship team has been praying is that we would create an atmosphere where transformational worship can happen and I really felt that yesterday morning. 

And that makes me very thankful as I begin a new week.

Romans 15:13 ~

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This week I am thankful for blessings #3,615 - 3,625

3615. The biggest thing I'm thankful for is my friend, Pat, who I asked prayer for before was in church for the first time in 4 1/2 months. She has been through an ordeal and was in the hospital for most of that time. However, things are on the upswing. She still has a long road ahead of her but she's moving forward!

3616. Little shoots coming up in my flower bed. There is still snow on the ground and it was snowing a bit yesterday, but spring is on the way!

3617. Being able to get out and walk for the first time in over a month. Because of all the injuries I've had the past 4 years I've been very afraid to walk on snow and ice. So I'm thankful for dry areas where I can get out and MOVE!

3618. Emily is doing well in her classes. I'm thankful for that.

3619. Emily went back to school in January. This is the longest period of time that she has been away without coming home or us going to visit her. She'll be home for spring break beginning Friday and I'm so thankful for that.

3620. Thankful that I was able to bounce some ideas and talk through ministry-related things with a friend the other day.

3621. I'm thankful for the teenagers in our church. They get together 2-3 times a month for youth group and love it. They actually will argue with me if we have to cancel for some reason (don't love the arguing but am happy that they are really enjoy it)! lol 

3622. Stephen and another gentleman in our church lead the youth group, and one of the moms provides the snacks each time. I'm thankful that Stephen connects really well with them and the teens love him.

3623. I sat down and sewed yesterday for the first time in a few weeks and I'm thankful for that time to stop studying, writing and reading and do something fun and creative.

624. I'm thankful that we have a good group of ladies going to an upcoming retreat.

and finally...

625. I am thankful for a new week, a fresh perspective, and hope!


  1. IT is hard to run a church. You get to see all the best and worst in people, but carry on what you are doing is important. Spring will come, people will be reborn with Christ and the world will blossom.

  2. You and your husband work so hard for your family and church. I'm so glad you ahd a full congregation....though remember, it isnt quantity, but quality, that is important.

    1. I agree with you, Barbara, but unfortunately, if a church doesn't grow eventually it will die out. We want to reach our community for Christ and that shows in growth.


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