
Showing posts from February, 2021

Time Keeps on Ticking

Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Time seems unending when you are waiting to be released from quarantine.  Today officially marks the end of my ten days of restriction, but my plan is to not go anywhere for a few days more. I'm still feeling the effects of Covid-19, though feeling much better. My son and husband ended up testing positive as well and they still have another week to go. I have had much time to think, pray and meditate. I've wrestled with some things, worked through other situations, and have a few revelations along the way.  I finished a book and started another. I've kept in touch with family and friends via text, phone and email. I've taken numerous naps. I sewed a bit and took a couple of isolated walks.  This morning as I spent time in prayer the thought occurred to me that quarantine hasn't been all bad. I've gotten more rest than I normally do. I've spent some quality time with my husband and son. I've slowed down and give


I looked out my front window this morning and discovered a winter wonderland. The sun was out and as it hit the snow, a shimmering and glittering beauty was revealed. The sun revealed the ice crystals and caused a spectacular sight. I really wanted to put on my boots and coat and head outside, but that is not to be. Covid-19 has made it's appearance in our household. After being ill for most of the week, a Covid test came back positive yesterday. My son also woke up sick yesterday morning and I'm hoping Dan doesn't come down with it.  As I went to bed last night and realized the long road of sickness and quarantine that's ahead of us, I have to admit I thought, "God, how much more am I going to have to deal with?" This past year has been one of change, loss, grieving, depression and now this. "Seriously, Lord?"  I wrestled for a bit with this question, but remembered my word for the year, "eyes forward". God obviously has something for me t

Lift Every Voice and Sing

I woke this morning with a surge of renewed energy and peace. Nothing in my circumstances has changed. There is still a sea of white outside my window. There is still a sea of masks everywhere I look and an unending pandemic happening. I'm still missing my mom and find myself replaying her last days in my mind. I'm still the same woman I was yesterday with all the same struggles. But the difference this morning was finding some renewal in God's word as I spent time reading and praying. No matter how bleak and depressing the world is, there is hope in Christ. I also found some encouragement in the song below. I've been posting about little known figures in black history on Facebook for Black History Month. Today I posted about the history of "Lift Every Voice and Sing." This song is known as the black national anthem and was a song we sang often when Dan and I lived in the inner city of Paterson, NJ. We attended a church that was made up of about 60% African-Am

What Valentine's Day Means to Me

As a child I was a lonely sensitive child. I came from a broken home with an alcoholic father and a mom who was struggling with her own feelings of being rejected. I was often ostracized by my classmates. I remember being snubbed, bullied and often left out. I have a memory of being chased by an emotionally disturbed young man who was threatening me with a knife. I've moved past those bad memories, but there are times when they bubble up to the surface.  There are times when I feel isolated from others and alone. Those are the times when I revert back to those feelings of being the unloved, unwanted and friendless little girl. But those memories and experiences are the things that God has used in my ministry. I'm always on the lookout for those who are on the periphery; those people that others are ignoring or don't deem acceptable. I'm sensitive to how they may be feeling and try to include them in the conversation. I have hyper-radar when it comes to how others may be

Wednesday Words of Encouragement: On Eagle's Wings

Pressing, clinging, crawling, struggling and fighting. All of these verbs describe our life at times.  Often we can feel like we are just hanging on by a thread.  One snip and the rope we cling to will break and cause us to plummet downward. I have felt like this at times in my life.  I know precious ones who feel like this now. Yet, we have hope.  We have One who will catch us and hold us up when we fall.  We have a Savior who gives us strength when ours runs out.  We have a God who feels our pain and wipes away our tears. Press into Him.   He will replace your weakness with His strength. Cling to Him.   He will replenish you and give you nourishment. Crawl to throne of grace .  He will pick you up and set you on your feet again. Struggle and fight your way to His arms.   He will envelop you with His love. Isaiah 40:27-31 (NIV) ~ Why do you complain, Jacob?      Why do you say, Israel, “My way is hidden from the Lord ;      my cause is disregarded by my God”? Do


The sun came out from behind the shroud on Friday and Saturday and it was amazing at the change in my energy level and mood. It was just a glimpse of light and warmth in the middle of a dreary and cold month but it was enough to brighten my attitude. It was a reminder that warmer days are not that far away. Every now and then in my life I also catch a glimpse of the promise and glory of God as well. Unending days of sameness - same routines, same people, same struggles and same me and then suddenly, God shines into the sameness.  He reveals some new truth about his character, some new hope, or some new inspiration and I feel a surge of joy. I'm reminded that He is walking with me even in the dreariness and that brighter days are ahead. One day it won't just be a glimpse of His glory but He will be totally unveiled and there will be no more pain, no more suffering, and no more tears.  And that is reason to rejoice on this dreary Multitude Monday. Th is week I'm thankful for

Heart on my Sleeve

As a child, I remember getting scolded for crying so much. I would cry over movies, if someone looked at me cross-eyed, or if a sappy song came on the radio. I often felt as if something was wrong with me because I was so sensitive. As an adult, I've learned to control that. I mean no one really wants to hang out with someone who bawls at everything! 😉 However, I'm still a sensitive soul and I still do wear my heart on my sleeve much of the time. It's difficult for me not to strongly empathize with another's pain, joy, and other emotions. It's difficult for me not to be able to express my own at times. I have learned that I'm more of an empath when it comes to my sensitivity. I absorb other's emotions. I'm creative and artistic. I identify with people like David in the Bible who was able to write about his emotions. And that's okay. God has wired me that way. It's what makes me able to connect with people in a way that others don't. But it c

Seize the Day!

I'm longing for sunshine and warm temperatures, hiking in the woods, and getting out in nature. However, we are in a deep, snowy freeze here so I'm settling for baking and sewing and connecting with people via the internet.  I had a few personal goals this year which included sewing one item per day, reading a few books a month, and writing one card per day. I'm ahead in the sewing department and short in the other two. However, I am thankful that I've been doing a better job with sending out little notes of encouragement than I have in years past. This week there was a flurry of cookie baking since we have a Valentine's luncheon for the ladies in our church next Sunday. I also gave my father-in-law a cookie of the month birthday gift so while I was at it, I made his February cookies. They are in the freezer and awaiting our next visit to him.  My daughter gave me a nifty pastry embosser for my birthday which I tested out. The only problem I had was that I didn'

God's Promise

When I was going through my mother's things, I found this poem  that was written by my Grandmother. You wrote it when her second husband, Penny, passed away. I'm putting together a box of things to send to my uncle and some of these I'm copying for myself.  God's Promise When sorrow captures you in its cold hard hand And holds you there like a vise,  And the ache in your heart is a bold demand That binds you like you're frozen in ice. Think of your loved one who is now free Of life's sorrow and bodily pain, Where time and toil have no meaning at all, Who is whole and like new again. Think of the freedom not to be weighted down By the need to have to breathe air, Where life knows only goodness and joy abounds And there is no hurt or despair. Where hunger and thirst are completely unknown, Where it's never too hot or too cold, Could you wish him back to Earth's sinful ways? Think what it's like not to grow old. Where flowers don't die and birds alw