Uncomfortable Feelings

As I've been packing up our posessions, taking down curtains, and weeding through things, I've noticed that my children have been more and more out of sorts. It's nothing major but I've noticed that the bickering level has gone up. They seem to be pacing and don't know what to do with themselves. I know much of this has to do with the fact that their home that they love, have lived in for the past 4 years and where they feel comfortable is being turned upside down.

They are no longer little so they can understand why they feel like this but it still doesn't solve the problem. When we had to move and they were little, they would be whiny for days. They would cry and cling to us and generally made it more difficult. They are now 17, 15 and 9 so I'm not getting whining and crying but the general mood in the house is stressed.

So, we are working as fast as we can and trying to get things settled in the new house quickly so that we can get over this hurdle.

I understand my children well because I've been feeling the same way. There is not a particular feeling I can put my finger on, just an overwhelming feeling that things are not right.

I took some pictures today to give you an idea of what moving a house looks like. I'm warning you now, it's not pretty! LOL!

Laundry to be folded and books to be packed.

Piles waiting for a place to go.

Boxes to go to the new house. Bare windows.

The never-ending mountain of boxes.

I'm anxious to put things in their spot in the new house, hang the pictures, put up my special treasures and memories. So in the meantime, I keep plodding along with these uncomfortable feelings.


  1. That must be tough for your family, especially for your kids, going through this big change. One plus is that at least ya'll are staying in the same place, not moving to Texas or California, or somewhere far off from the people you know. I hope that your move is swift and smooth, and will be praying for an easy transition for all of you!
    April :0)

  2. Oh I agree, April, though it's still makes you feel like everything is topsy-turvy.

  3. Moving is just plain HARD, isn't it?! And very emotional, too!

    Big hugs to you and yours, dear friend.

    BTW, how do you get your whites so white? Is that trick photography??!!!!



  4. Wow it must be ahrd moving when our family moved we did it when I was little and didnt understand. I kind of understand because I would hate to move now because Im comfrotable with our neighbors and have become great friends. Sry yall will be in my prayers and have a safe quick move.

  5. I know that moving must really be hard for you all. And I hope that you can get over this hump in a hurry.

    Maybe, you ought to get your children to talk about it. When children are young, they don't understand whats going on and may be whinny because they have some fears.

    Children who are in their teens can be just as stressed. I remember when my parents moved from Maine to New Jersey and I cried all the way from Maine to NJ because I felt that I was leaving everyone that I knew and loved behind.

    Of course, I got over it eventually but my mother was kind of unsympathetic so it might help them if you could talk to them about the pluses of the move and assure them that they could come back for a visit to the place that your leaving. It might help.
    At least it will get the thoughts that they are having out in the open.


  6. I am with you on this one Terri. I am one that when we move I am cranky until I get everything in it's proper place. Praying that you get settled quickly!

  7. Jenni, thank you for the laugh! No, it's not trick photography but trust me, not everything looks so white. :-)

    Mom, thank you for the suggestion. We have talked about it which does help some.

  8. Ahhh yes...moving. Something I've done more times than I care to count...but last time I did it was roughly 27 times in my 31 years :-/ We had a mothers day gift to the woman who had set up house the most...the only woman who beat me was by one house...and her dh was career military lol!!

    Something that may help is giving each of the kids something to be in charge of...so they feel some 'power' and control over what's going on.

    And I'll keep praying for you :) Often the kids feed off of what we're going thru, good and bad :?

    Love You,

  9. It's that feeling of impermanence, of nothing being in the right place which I'm sure makes everyone edgy. I think once you have one or more rooms put in order they will feel more settled. You, of course, will be exhausted!
    Prayers for you.

  10. Terri,
    I know just what you mean.... after being moved around 4 times in the last 4 years it can be pretty rough..... our kids are just now beginning to realize we will be here for a very long time! They have been so excited about getting their rooms all just the way they want them..... something a bit new from the last 2 years that we were selling, renting, living with family and renting again.
    I do agree with your mom. Make sure you talk with them ... sometimes if they just know that you are concerned about the jitteryness it helps.

    Hope you can get all done in record time (without you overdoing it of course!).


  11. Terri,
    I understand about moving(packing & unpacking). We did that last year! May the Lord renew your strength!
    Miriam :)

  12. Hello Terri - be kind to yourself - plan in some "Terri"time even if it is only 5 minutes with a cuppa - moving is so stressful - I shall pray for you all.

    We moved here 6 years ago. My middle son & I were anxious about the move. My husband felt that we should move as the area we were in was going downhill fast and he wanted to move us whilst he could afford to do so. So reluctantly we moved - and he was so right. I spent a lot of time with the son who was struggling and asked my other two sons to watch over their brother. Perhaps you can suggest to your kids that they look out for each other - I bet you've already said this! We had a chat about who would sleep where at the new house and I made it as easy as possible for them to set up their rooms. I made sure their stuff was the last to go in the van and therefore the first out so by supper time (take-away fish & chips yum) - they had unpacked their rooms and had familiar stuff around them.

    In my car I put overnight bags in case toiletries etc were lost and kettle etc and I also put important living room stuff - like throws, cushions & rugs so by the time Steve came back in with the take - away the living room was set up as well as the boys' bedrooms.

    My middle son (the worried one -the other two took it all in their stride) - had the day off school and helped to pack the van - I thought it would help him - we both cried on the journey to the new house - the whole 5 minutes across town - lol!!I was so worried that I had made things worse for him.
    After supper he said to me "I don't know I was so worried" and he immediately relaxed and settled in OK and loves it here.
    Of course I can smile about all this now but truly I do know the angst you are all going through - it will come right in the end - it's just hard when you're going through it.


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