I'm Back!

Well, I'm back. The phone was all messed up and they fixed that and I ended up with the internet working as well, even though I wasn't supposed to have access to it until the 31st.

We still have some things in the old house but the majority of it is here. It was a stressful move but at least we are in.

Half of my kitchen is put together.

The other half is not!

Looky here, my husband actually has an office! In the old place, he studied in the bedroom.

He deserves it because he worked so hard. I know he's tired because he is always energetic but he's been complaining the past day or so that he's exhausted.

I love my new outdoor spot.

I told my friend, Stephanie that she needs to come and help me identify most of these flowers.

The kids love it here!


They enjoyed a movie in the new house.

We probably have about 3 or 4 car trips still at the old place. Now I just have the task of putting everything away and figuring out where I want everything.

I missed coming here and I'll have to catch up with everyone over the next few days.


  1. Oh Terri, it all looks GREAT!!!!
    I am so happy for you. It is good to see you again!

  2. Hi Terri,

    It all looks so wonderful and homey ~ I love your new home!!

    Your quiet spot looks so peaceful and what beautiful flowers to enjoy!! And an office for your husband too!

    I think your new home is such a blessing from the Lord!! And how great that you are back online!!
    The Lord is so good!

    Have a great evening,


  3. The house is looking great, Terri. I am glad you all are getting settled in!


  4. Whoooo Hoooo....looks GREAT Honey! :)

    Sooooo glad you're back early!!! Thank you Father! :)

    Laura in VA

  5. Your kitchen looks so pretty and country looking with the red. I just love it. Glad that the kids are liking it alot! It looks like they have a bigger yard to play in too. Glad everything went quick and smoothly! :) And tell Uncle Dan to take it easy and to get some REST! lol

    Love Ya, Marybeth

  6. Best of luck in your new home! I hope you know only happiness and health in there.
    That kitchen is awesome!
    I'm not sure...but I think the purple flowers might be echinacea?

  7. Ooooo, what a love home with such a fantastic view. What an adourable place to live. May you all be extremely blessed there.

    Would you mind if I add you as a link to my blog please?

    Carol x

  8. It all looks great! I hope you find time soon to enjoy that garden x

  9. Thank you ladies for your kind comments!

    Clare, that's one that I do know. The purple flowers are echinacea. I did find out there are a few rose bushes in there as well.

    Carol, yes, I would be honored to have you add my blog to your blog list. Thank you!

  10. Wow! Your new home looks fantastic. I love your kitchen!

  11. Welcome back Terri. You have got the house looking very good already. And what a lovely bit of garden that is. I hope you have many years of enjoyment there.

  12. Terri,
    Yeah!! It looks wonderful! I love your outdoor sitting area-- it looks like a great place to worship the Lord!
    I'm so glad the Lord has blessed you and your family.
    Thank you for your comforting comments and sweet hug on my blog.
    Miriam :)

  13. Glad your back, Terri! I love the kitchen especially and your curtains match it so well. I really like your garden spot as well...a good place to have devotions when it's not too hot. I think the yellow flowers with the brown centers are Black-eyed Susans. At least, they look like Black-eyed Susans. The purple flowers are Echinacea also known as Purple Coneflowers.

    Tell Dan to take a couple of days off and get some rest. Moving is such a hard job.

    I'm glad the children like their new home and are adjusting.

  14. Wow, what a great job you've done! Your new home looks wonderful! Well done! I hope you'll be very happy and have many blessed times in your new home.

    Love, Tina :)

  15. Wow that looks great I cant wait to see it. You all look so happy with your new space.


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