More on Frugality

I spent some time last night reading more of my little book, The American Frugal Housewife by Lydia Maria Child in 1828. I wanted to share some with you.

Mrs. Child writes,
People of moderate fortunes have likewise an unquestioned right to dispose of their hundreds as they please; but I would ask, Is it wise to risk your happiness in a foolish attempt to keep up with the opulent? Of what use is the effort which takes so much of your time, and all of your income? Nay, if any unexpected change in affairs should deprive you of a few yearly hundreds, you will find you expenses have exceeded your income; thus the foundation of an accumulating debt will be laid, and your family will have formed habits but poorly calculated to save you from teh tthreatened ruin. Not one valuable friend will be gained by living beyond your means, and old age will be left to comparative, if not to utter poverty.

I find it interesting that this was written in 1828, yet can easily apply to today's world. Isn't this true of many today? We live in a society that seems to want more and more and more. See a car you like, buy it on credit. Want to go to the movies, use your credit card. Like that dress you can't afford, charge it. People are living way beyond their means in an effort to have instant gratification.

Dan & I recently paid off all our debt, and even though we have always lived simply, some of that debt was credit cards because of having to own something instantly. We have been praying that the Lord would continue to remind us to make wise choices and wait until we can pay cash before we buy something.

We have had the same car for almost 5 1/2 years. It has 140,000 miles on it but it is still running. Everytime something goes wrong, someone will tell us we need to buy a new car. Yet, it costs us less in maintenance than it would to be making car payments each month. Will we get a new car eventually? Of course. But we are saving up money so we can purchase a used one. Do we need the latest model? Absolutely not. As long as it has 4 wheels and an engine, it does it's purpose. It gets us where we are going. Why does it have to be the fanciest looking.

My challenge to us all today, myself included, is to ask yourself before you purchase something, "Do I really need this?" "Can I afford this?" "Can I wait?" Start praying and asking the Lord to help you to live within your means.

It will certainly make for better sleep at night!


  1. Oh I absolutely agree Terri! I love love LOVE to live frugally and to only have the things we can pay is a simple and less stressful way of living. Great post!

    Love,Tina :)

  2. This is something I have learned but still have to work on.
    Thanks for the reminder Terri!

  3. Thank you for posting this ~ it is so good to be reminded and challenged in areas such as this! You have given me some things to think about this morning too! I'm going to have to find this book!!

    Have a great day,


  4. I so needed this today!! Thanks for sharing it, I so need to get a copy of this book!!! Have a Blessed day!!~Wendy

  5. I'm so glad you are posting some stuff from this book. It amazes me how this stuff applies to now, just like it was written last week! Thank you for reminding us that instant gratification often has long-lasting ramifications. I certainly know from bad experience, and am learning to change those bad habits!

    Happy Tuesday!
    April :0)

  6. Terri,
    Great post! Yesterday, I heard on Focus on the Family's radio program a man speaking about the "more,more, more" society. It was amazing. It impacted me as much as Mary Farrar's book "Choices"(about what started women to leave the home).
    Thank you,Terri.

  7. Good post, Terri. And excellent advice, I may add.

    There were many years when I lived from pay check to pay check because I had three children to raise on a very small salary and couldn't afford a lot of things.

    Times have changed and I am blessed with much more than I use to have and I can still use this advice because sometimes when I want something (not need), I just buy when I should be conserving my money because one does not know what the future can hold.

    Thanks for this reminder for me.


  8. Wonderful advice, Terri! I found several simple living books at the library this past weekend and they go along perfectly with what you shared with us today.

  9. Isn't it great how God's truths are just as applicable today as they were in the 1800's ? :)

    One of my favorite scriptures...the borrower is slave to the lender!

    I don't get it...I can't spend the money even if I try! Dh says I'm just cheap and past the point of no return lol...but he sure is glad when I'm spending that paycheck ;)

    Laura in VA


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