Happy 21st Birthday, Stephen

My middle son turns 21 today!  It's his birthday and one that is a milestone and he's not here to enjoy it with us.  However, he is coming home for the weekend and we will definitely be having a celebration then!

Stephen is my deep thinker.  He is a perfectionist and way too hard on himself in every aspect of his life.

He is compassionate and merciful to the point where we have to make sure he's not overextending himself.  He would give someone the shirt off his back.

He is the first to deliberately tease his sister.


But he's the first to play a board game with her too.

He is the most like his father.

He loves all things nature.

He loves to read and learn new things.

He values education and has made the Dean's List for the past three semesters at college.

We are so proud of the man he has become.  He recently called us to let us know he feels God is calling him into the ministry and that thrilled us to hear.  

He is 21 and oh, the places he'll go!

Happy Birthday, Stephen.  We love you!


  1. I hope you enjoy your special weekend together.

  2. Happy 21st birthday to Stephen! I'm so glad he's going into ministry. You have to be so proud of your handsome, smart and kind son, Terri. Wishing him a year of blessings.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois


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