Christmas Countdown


The countdown is on and there are only 5 days until Christmas. I love the anticipation that comes and even though my children are young adults I've noticed a shift in their spirits the past few days. They are cheerful, they are talkative, and they are underfoot more often! lol

I finally, finally was able to get a few gifts and put them under the tree and miraculously when mine went under there others started appearing! It seems as if everyone has been secretively buying gifts.

I keep stringing lights everywhere. I love the way they look when the lights are down low and besides, they hide dust pretty well! 

Gingerbread cookies went into the oven yesterday and the children in my 3D Kids program decorated them last night and made gifts for their parents. The mood was festive, aka "bouncing-off-the-walls-excited!" However, we did the divide and conquer method and so it wasn't so bad. :-)

I'll be trying my hand at royal icing to decorate my own batch of gingerbread cookies too. Cookie decorating is not my talent so we'll see how they turn out. It my look something like the above pictures. lol

I've been working on a request for soup bowl cozies for the shop that carries my items so will be sewing them the next week or two. 

I'm looking forward to tomorrow as Dan and I are going shopping for the kids as well as Christmas dinner. It's our date this week.

I've been pulling together music for Sunday as well as Christmas eve and the worship team is practicing tonight for both days. Christmas carols and songs are on my lips as I work.

Saturday will be spent making gifts for our church family. Every year I come up with something different to give out on Christmas Eve for whoever attends. I have the plan set and just need to execute it!

I also need to put together a couple of cookie tins for our neighbors and will get those to them within the next couple of days. Then either Sunday afternoon or Monday morning I'll be making cinnamon rolls for our Christmas morning, as well as for an order that someone placed.

The next few days will be busy but it's a fun kind of busy and I'm feeling joyful!


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